Are Brits still cheap skates, with their shopping, preferring cheaply made goods or 2nd hand Charity shops?

2021-04-14 3:39 pm

回答 (8)

2021-04-14 5:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Why are charity shops an issue? Re-using items rather than binning them is surely better for the planet; and a lot of vintage items aren't necessarily cheap.
Also; it's not a British thing wanting cheaper clothes. Tourists go to Primark stores with suitcases to stock up...
2021-04-14 7:58 pm
The UK has its equivalents of Thrift Stores, Goodwill and Dollar Tree if that is what you mean. Donating and reselling is considered sustainable and a good way of supporting charities. You are not obliged to shop there if you don't believe in recycling. Paying full price for anything is considered a sign of weakness.
2021-04-15 3:12 pm
We like a bargain.  And if anything is going free, we’re all over it.
2021-04-16 6:33 am
Yes. We enjoy a bargain. 
2021-04-15 7:16 am
I am.  Yes.  Sod you.
2021-04-14 7:09 pm
Americans have Dollar Stores, UAE has Day to Day...
2021-04-15 6:21 pm
Once an idiot troll.
Always an idiot troll.
2021-04-16 7:28 pm
I own a 700,000 dollar Home 2 cars 3 classic Motorcycles

and Buy Shirts from the Salvation Army along with Liquid soap Disenferctant toilet rolls and Tissues

and My Holiday Bank account has 45,000 in it

why am i so Rich i only Buy what i need

and what I need is a Bargain

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:42:20
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