Do you have to self isolate if someone in your house ?

2021-04-14 7:13 am
Has a common cold similar to coronavirus 

回答 (5)

2021-04-14 9:10 pm
No, the common cold isn't caused by covid.
If you don't want to get it stay away from them. Don't share things like cups and utensils. 
2021-04-15 2:24 am
Right now yes in case it is Coronavirus. Once they are tested negative then no. 
2021-04-14 11:11 pm
"The common Cold" is a generic term. It can be caused by a number of different types of viruses - which is 1 reason why it's impossible to cure. One of these viruses is a type of Coronavirus. Covid-19 is but one type of Coronavirus and it does not cause the common cold. To make an analogy; a Ford Explorer is a type of car. Not all cars are Fords and not all Fords are Explorers. Car = common cold. Ford = Coronavirus. Explorer = Covid-19.
2021-04-14 8:18 am
actually the common cold is MUCH more infectious
2021-04-14 7:17 am
If it’s not COVID then no

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:42:49
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