Do you think LAN is over hated?

2021-04-14 12:53 am
I went through most of his answers and it appears to me he's just trying to tell people in the mental health section to get real help and not waste their time here. What's so bad about that?

回答 (4)

2021-04-14 12:56 am
Hello LAN. Have a nice day
2021-04-14 12:55 am
He's actually pretty chill guy
2021-04-14 3:07 am
Yes. Most of his so called bad answers were to trolls that deserved every word of it.  Leave him alone.
2021-04-14 12:57 am
LAN is our supreme Lord. Don't listen to the filthy heretics.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:43:21
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