Is anybody else bothered by sunny weather when you’re depressed?

2021-04-13 11:17 pm
Sunny weather makes me anxious when I’m depressed.  I prefer overcast and especially rainy weather.  

回答 (6)

2021-04-14 8:25 am
I always thought sunshine was a cure for depression. It's always worked for me.
2021-04-14 1:00 am
You need to get one of those special lights you sit in front of to brighten your perspective.  With depression you need to get more light & find some kind of hobby that will keep you busy.  Get up off your butt or out of your bed & join life.  The secret is to get involved in something.  Do something, anything.  Start with 15 minute increments.  Do anything.  Wash the bathroom sink, wash a few dishes, sweep a floor, clean out the fridge, wash one window.  Just for 15 minutes do something.  Some times the 15 minutes can keep going for a full half hour or more.  

Don't feed the depression, pull yourself out of the pit you are in.  A lot easier said than done but you can do it.  Most who have depression doesn't have for 24/7/365.  There are times when you are just fine.  Do something, anything......
2021-04-13 11:37 pm
 i feel like that at times, i prefer cloudy overcast weather when i'm not feeling too good.
2021-04-13 11:18 pm
Statistically, that's abnormal. 
2021-04-14 12:00 am
There are people who say this. People are a truly stable don't care about weather. Advice for depression in my answers - click and read,

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:51:28
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