Was it the right thing for me to do these things on the count of missing out on attending indoctrination centers for the latest trends? ?

2021-04-13 6:44 pm
I missed out on attending a program where people are indoctrinated for metrosexuality and taught of new hairstyles, so I posted a lie online about myself being a paedophile back in 2016. I was then  blacklisted in error which my eldest sibling too unfair advantage of just to ensure the blacklisting remains in place permanently. I was now seen as a contemptible person since 2016 by kids, young adults and seniors who attended. I also tried to make myself fit the picture of a person seen as the exact opposite by getting my own mum to hate me. 

Were these the right thing for me to do since I missed out on it?

Keep in mind metrosexuality was and is a natural identity and preference of mine, even before parents took my sibs to such programs. I only misse dout because of work

回答 (5)

2021-04-14 3:58 pm
What kind of stupid  c u n t  are you that you would brag about being a pedophile?  I encourage you to commit suicide immediately.
2021-04-14 2:09 am
Since you posted that you are a pedophile, people believed you. I have no idea why you would tell people that you were the most disgusting, perverted and repulsive human being. That's how most people view pedophiles and the fact is YOU posted it and got that ball rolling.  I wish I had some advice for you but I don't. Maybe only post truthful statements?
2021-04-17 3:01 am
Why would you even make something like that up?  You couldn't have gone with shingles or gout?  You had to jump right to kiddie diddler?  I think there's a bigger question here than the one you're asking.
2021-04-14 8:34 pm
Jan (yoshi) what are you doing on this site, you should be back on  Australian travel as usual.

Have you  missed your medication again, be a good boy and take it. you'll feel a lot better tomorrow..
2021-04-13 7:16 pm
Not right that is for sure but fixable if you have faith in the truth.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:41:28
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