Do I have OCD?

2021-04-13 5:57 pm
I think I have some sort of mental problem, I'm constantly trying to remember all the assignments and homework I have to do instead of actually doing it

回答 (7)

2021-04-14 9:55 am
You most definitely do have OCD. You must post about it on tumblr right away.
2021-04-13 11:16 pm
We're in no position to diagnose, but what you're talking about sounds like procrastination. It's possible that there's some disorder associated with it, like depression, in which case I have advice for that in my answers. A more likely explanation  is that you don't like to study, which can happen if you have lousy study skills. Here's advice for putting things off and studying.

This is useful for all kinds of things you don't feel like doing. If a task seems like it's too big, think of it as a series of tasks that you can take on one at a time, and start with something really, really easy. Homework - start by proofreading a paper or by previewing a chapter you're about to read, looking at headings, sub-headings, etc. Short breaks are good but always watch the clock. Look for natural breaks, like after you finish a chapter or write an outline.

Staying on task - if you find yourself dawdling, wasting time while you're working, here's a simple fix. Decide how much time it will take to get a task done and do it in that time, watching the clock.

Try this when it seems that you're too tired to work. Lie on the couch, close your eyes, and get ready to work by imagining yourself working for 5 minutes. Again, think in terms of taking it step by step and starting with something really easy.

"Study but I get bad grades" - Best, 5 Stars

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2021-04-13 9:59 pm
Let a therapist decide what your diagnosis is.  Ask your parents to set up an appointment for you.
2021-04-13 7:18 pm
Sounds more like something called displacement activity, doing something to avoid doing something else.
2021-04-13 7:02 pm
OCD stands for obsessive compulsive disorder.. there are 2 main components to OCD: the obsession (the one that you maybe describing) and the compulsion that forces YOU to do something about your obsession.. if you are forgetful about your assignments, your compulsion would force you to take notes, memos, diaries of every waking moment and write on your hands so that you would never forget about your assignment..

the obsession and the compulsion is so strong that drives you to do some uncomfortable and regrettable, like filling your arms with reminders and filling your room with post it notes of trivial things like 'wash your hands' and 'brush your teeth'.. also the OCD is far more global than what you have described; OCD becomes intrusive into everyday activities, EVERYTHING WILL BE AFFECTED!!.. the way you walk, the way you dress, the way you wash your hands, the way you think, the way you make decisions.. EVERYTHING and certainly not one or few things in your life.. patients with OCD are often stressed out, depressed and angry on themselves; they would lash on themselves, on others and objects around the house.. they are unhappy 90% of the time because their brain cannot let go obsessive thoughts easily, and they are compelled to act upon their obsession.. it is NOT a happy mental disorder to have.. `
 what you are describing is a simple carelessness, forgetfulness and/or laziness.. not a medical condition!!
2021-04-13 6:28 pm
You have a serious condition call Down Syndrome.  Unfortunately there is no cure but you should be able to lead a relatively normal life amongst others with this affliction.  Good luck my friend.
2021-04-13 6:07 pm
That doesn't sound like obsessive-compulsive disorder, but I'm only a sufferer of it, not an expert. Take my Y!A response with a grain of salt, and consider talking to a specialist if you want an accurate diagnosis. The oversimplification of OCD is that you obsess over something (like ideas, images, memories, impulses, urges, sensations) and form a compulsion around it (like avoidance, reassurance-seeking, mental rituals, overt behavior).

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