Why don't they care about the evidence in the George Floyd trial?

2021-04-13 2:07 pm
   I whole thing doesn't make sense too me. They found pills with Floyds saliva in the back on the police car. George Floyd was complaining how he couldn't breath before they pulled him out of his car. There where high levels of drugs in his system which the doctor who autopsied Floyd even agreed how the drugs played a part in his death. There is a video of Floyd saying how he ate to many drugs. In my opinion the only thing they can get Derek for is use of excessive force. They have yet to prove intent and to prove what killed him. I believe Derek Chauvin is not guilty of murder. And now because of Floyds death black criminals can pretty much get away with anything, and when a black criminal gets shot it automatically considered murder. I feel like the whole BLM movement and the Floyd family hate cops, and especially white cops which is why their demanding a conviction and threating to burn some more if he is not convicted. What the hell is wrong with these people?

Why would an officer with 20 years on the force suddenly wake up and have the urge to kill a black man??


Some people are going to say how there is a video with his knee on Floyds neck. Maybe it was very difficult to balance which is why his knee keep pressing down. Maybe he didn't realize the amount of force he applied.


The people in support of Floyd are very irrational.


plus from the picture he looks like Chavan's knee is on the back of his neck and on the top of his spine, almost near his shoulders.

回答 (9)

2021-04-13 5:19 pm
Murder is murder, all that other **** doesn't matter.
2021-04-13 2:25 pm
Jesus fvck, that was pathetic.
2021-04-14 11:19 am
Because all the evidence says Chavan was responsible for his death
Medical Examiner ruled the death a homicide
Toxicologist ruled drugs were NOT the cause of death
Cardiologist said Floyd would still be alive if not for Chavans actions
2021-04-13 5:08 pm
All that bs is irrelevant, get professional help.
2021-04-13 7:27 pm
If Chauvin knew he was in distress and ate a bunch of drugs and was in danger and kept his knee on his neck and held him down knowing he was dying..... that's still some intent.  All he had to do was hold him there.
2021-04-14 12:36 pm
Sure, maybe that contributed to his death, but I’m pretty sure the coup de grâce was the knee on the guys neck cutting off is airflow to his lungs, asphyxiation according to the forensic specialist who testified. 
2021-04-14 3:33 am
Because they already have all the evidence they need to see: multiple videos of the crime in action! And if they suspected Floyd had all that going on (signs of drug use and physical distress) and still chose to detain him using handling techniques meant for hostile and combative assailants rather than place a call for medical assistance, then all four "officers" should be on trial right now, not just Chauvin. It was murder, plain and simple. A public execution.
2021-04-13 8:02 pm
FYI, George Floyd is not on trial.
2021-04-14 4:21 am
Ask yourself when's the last time the rabble mob representing any cause has cared about evidence. I don't particularly agree with your assessment in the Chauvin case but we've long been a society where we let perception cloud the facts. Be it a militia group burned out of their fortress or "hands up don't shoot", we're an ignorant and easily lead people and it doesn't help that our major media is always there to fan the flames. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:10:46
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