
2021-04-13 11:05 am
1.This strike's already been going too long.
請問知識大大們,strike has可以縮寫成這樣strike's 嗎?

2.We must strike a mean and a house that's not too big or too small.

以上都是從Yahoo字典看到的例子,問題比較多,請知識大大們不吝解說,謝謝。: )

感謝Jenkin與Prisoner兩位大大的熱心詳細解說喲。: ) To my dear Prisoner主治醫師: 知識+要關閉了,小妹可以跟您私下聯繫嗎?嗚… 小妹不知道以後該怎麼跟Prisoner聯絡呀!

回答 (3)

2021-04-14 12:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. strike has可以縮寫成這樣strike's 嗎?

yes, you can.

2. 當關代的that也可以縮寫that's嗎?

Yes, you can.


that's not too big or too small. (X)
that's not too big nor too small. (O)

> Please check the dictionary before you say this:
How many times do you want me to say it?

that's not too big or too small. (X)
that's not too big nor too small. (O)
2021-04-13 1:44 pm
1. Yes.
This strike has可以縮寫成這樣strike's因為就算縮寫了由於句後的...been going是可以聯想動詞時態只可以是has been going. 一般分辨's的原字要由後寫的"動詞"本身或句子的其他詞指引。

2. Yes.
這縮寫是that is...其實是另一子句。
有時that's是that was,便要看句子(或主句)的時態和內容"時間"來決定原寫。但若是口語時只會讀"'s",要自行"意會"時態。
2021-04-14 11:36 pm
To: 主治醫師
Please check the dictionary before you say this:
that's not too big or too small. (X)

"when the second negative item is a noun, adjective, or adverb phrase, you should use “or” to continue the negative thought "

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:52:54
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