Are you interested in dating at this point in time? Why or why not?

2021-04-13 5:13 am
dating, grow, learn, and mature

回答 (4)

2021-04-13 5:21 am
This is about you, not us.
2021-04-13 5:20 am
no i’m not, men are horrible creatures they will always stab you in the back.
2021-04-13 1:06 pm
I am dating someone that I see myself with for the rest of my life honestly. You can still grow, learn and mature in a relationship 
2021-04-13 6:26 am
I have been married for 50 years so dating other girls is not generally a good idea.  Although WE have taken others out together. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:43:11
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