How to get my life together?

2021-04-13 4:49 am
I'm 16, and I'm not doing well. I'm bullied in school and my family basically ignores me at home. I have two friends, but one of them doesn't want to be around me in public in case it'll affect his status. He also asks me for money a lot, and I give it to him because I don't want to lose what I have. I'm very depressed and basically a loser. We're talking barely-passing grades because I'm dumb and can't motivate myself, no hobbies outside of music, and I'm fat from eating my feelings. I don't know why anyone would want to be around me.
I do want to pull myself together, but where do begin to fix my life?

回答 (12)

2021-04-15 9:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here is a good resource for you:

Make an appointment with the front office at school to talk to a school counselor about this.  They have a lot of good resources to help you, motivate and encourage and support you.

And this is ALL CONFIDENTIAL as you have a right to medical privacy and reaching out to a counselor is protected.

Also, if you want to talk, you can call the Boystown Helpline  24/7 at  1 800 448-3000  You can all anonymously if you want.  This hotline is equipped with licensed adolescent counselors who will help you.

But first, you have to help yourself and follow through on this.
You're not're amazing, you just don't know it yet.
2021-04-14 7:56 pm
The one who "doesn't want to be around me in public in case it'll affect his status" is NOT your friend, so stay away from that person! If he is so ashamed of you, he doesn't worth you!! He just takes advantage of you asking for money!!! It's not a friendship when someone is using you!!!
To make yourself feel better, do things (as much as you can) that make you feel better. You like music? Listen more of it or play it!!! Do lots of what makes you happy!!! Like ice-cream? Go get one!!!
You are stronger than you think...
You are the only person in the whole universe who can make you happy... think of it...
2021-04-14 2:42 am
Don't give that guy any more of your money. Then see if he sticks around.
I am a lot older than you and I met a guy like that and I just kind of ghosted him. I replied to his text that I was busy.

He got the message.
2021-04-13 4:18 pm
You're sooo young! Focus on what you have and what you can control! Try joining a club and finding like minded people to hang with. Ditch the loser who is asking for money. If not giving that person money means they won't hang out then they were not actually there for you. It might be worth it to look into counseling to go over your feelings. 
2021-04-13 7:34 am
One thing that will help is to try to develop a sense of duty, by which I mean the sense of living for something more than just yourself. That will give you a motive to keep going when things are tough, and the satisfaction of actually fulfilling a purpose. That's not to say you must have some grand plan about doing great deeds - rather you should focus on the short term. Is your duty right now to help your mother with the chores, or to encourage your friend to stop scrounging, or to be pleasant to your teachers and make their life a tiny bit better? Do you have spare time that you could give to helping a local charity? Is your duty perhaps to develop your musical skills and make good use of them for the pleasure of other people? To live a satisfactory life you have to sacrifice something of yourself and be a bit selfless, because a world where everyone lived entirely for themselves would be nothing but a world of isolated, lonely people competing vainly against each other.

My other suggestion, assuming you are not religious already, is to take a really serious look at Christianity. Worldly wisdom and advice will get you some of the way to where you need to be, but if you want to get right to the heart of the biggest questions - why I am here?, what is the ultimate point of life?, what does it mean to be good? - the answers will depend on how you answer the biggest question of all - does God exist? Take some time to think through these things, look up some arguments on the internet, get some good books from the library, be quiet and reflect, and even if you do not come to a quick, easy answer, the process of wrestling with the questions may give you some helpful insights into life.
2021-04-13 6:55 am
Have you ever gotten on your knees and prayed
2021-04-13 4:57 am
Hi there! I’m 15 and going through a similar thing, my parents are very toxic and I can’t remember the last time I was truly happy. Your friend isn’t your friend if they are afraid to be around you in public. Stop wasting your money on him sweet heart. I’ve had to grow up a lot on my own and I have lost my best friend last year. It’s really hard to let someone go, trust me I get that, but the sooner the better. Find some new friends, possibly through shared music interest, and really try hard this next quarter in school to make better grades. Your family may not be there for you but you are in control of your own life. I know sometimes it feels like your dragging and can’t motivate yourself. Just take it day by day and on the hard days just remember on will be over the sun will set and a new day starts tomorrow. You’ve got this.
2021-04-15 4:28 am
Try to make more friends. And Screw those bullies. Ignore them. They aren't worth your time.
2021-04-14 1:14 am
No need to post this same question multiple times.
Giving someone money so you "don't lose what you have" doesn't work, you don't have anything but someone willing to freeload off you.You are not a loser, just a teenager still trying to figure things out. Even smart people often deal with "barely passing grades", its not a sign you are dumb.1. Dump your mooch of a friend, you don't need him.2. Figure out what you want to do with your life. What sort of career or activity excites you, what do you like doing.3. Study, learn whatever you can about what you want to do. Start listing the books or courses you need to take and the details about them.4. Stop worrying about friends or what other people think, start thinking about what YOU want.
2021-04-13 10:11 pm
Anyone who uses a person just to get money isn't really your friend.  The next time he asks for money, just say "no" and move on.  Confide in a teacher, school counselor or nurse or some other trusted adult.  They may be able to help you get through to your parents about your situation.
2021-04-13 12:16 pm
Seems to me that you have low self esteem.
Try joining the Boy/Girl scouts.
A sports team.
About money - you are being USED.
Stop trying to buy their friendship.
Bullying is not ALWAYS a bad thing.
Depends on the reasons.
And not every action is bullying either.

Maybe get on a diet and exercise plan over the summer?
Might SHOCK them when you return in the fall.

Anyone who was disinterested in you before summer is someone you don't want to be around AFTER summer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:40:47
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