Trump spent several minutes insulting 'dumb son of a b---h' Mitch McConnell during a rambling speech to GOP donors? A president like that?

2021-04-13 2:05 am

回答 (5)

2021-04-13 2:19 am
And the audience cheered.

The problem isn't a President like that, it's VOTERS like that.
2021-04-13 2:11 am
Above all else he is an insurrectionist and a traitor. 
2021-04-13 2:08 am
I'm so embarrassed that he was president. 
2021-04-13 2:19 am
What are you trying to say? Lol learn how to talk, and speak proper English.

Yes Trump calls out phoney Deep State swamp Republicans and Democrats who are Globalist cronies. 
2021-04-13 2:08 am you go again!

I tell you what...Mitch will fill a lot better if you send him a condolence card.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:42:26
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