Why the Internet is canceling many discussion forums - IMDB, YA, etc?

2021-04-13 1:32 am

回答 (9)

2021-04-13 10:32 am
Site like this are closing in order to prevent the possibility of conservative speech.
This place DOES make Yahoo Money.
They get to sell the metadata. And that is quite valuable.
The more controversial it is the more participation there is and the more money they make.
It is unwise to close sites like this and unwise to moderate speech.
2021-04-13 2:15 am
This is part of getting people back to work get rid of some of the internet social media so people will go back into the real world and start dealing with real people and stop setting it home
2021-04-13 1:42 am
The outfits that own and operate the sites are tired of moderating and maintaining the sites. They are free sites that don't generate any cash for them.
2021-04-19 2:40 am
Insignificance due to trolls, stalkers......
2021-04-16 11:08 am
That incident in Washington causes many to look at their responsibility in it and don't want to be penalized for participating somehow.    Rather shut it down and a new EULA will be written up on the "code of conduct" with live moderators.  IS MY GUESS
.  Basically they screwed it for the rest of us.
2021-04-14 3:15 am
Wonder if they will make it part of paid service....
2021-04-13 2:40 am
it isnt anyone's fault except yahoo's lol
2021-04-15 8:35 pm
Those forums deteriorated into childish insults and accusations, false and inaccurate information, Spam, and discussions about other subjects that had nothing to do with the main topic. That's why IMDb shut down and this one is shutting down, too.
2021-04-13 2:48 am
not profitable.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:41:39
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