I live with my mum and I havs agoraphobia unemployed 24 what to do ?

2021-04-13 1:24 am
I am very on and off with my severe anxiety. I havent worked in a year and a half.. I was fired from my last job in oct 2019 and it threw me off... I have tried everything so.now I feel suicidal 

回答 (20)

2021-04-15 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to have your physician refer you to a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist.
Agoraphobia is awful.  I know because I had it bad.  The good news is agoraphobia is very easy to cure 100% and forever.  It took me exactly two weeks.  The treatment will put you in "situational; awareness" settings and make you remain there for certain lengths of time.  Just to prove to you I know what I am talking about - your condition makes you do things that are so dumb you are too embarrassed to talk about it.  I sat in a car outside a hospital ER all night just in case I got a heart attack.
2021-04-13 3:03 pm
F ALL OF YOU who are being disrispectful I hope karma hits you all in the face 
2021-04-13 11:04 am
Best to seek medical help. This might be a physiological condition. Only the professionals will help you diagnose this. 

You may need to get medication to help rebalance the brain chemistry. 
2021-04-13 7:04 am
Some things you may consider that may help:
-Experience: Remember that experience often helps with feeling competent in things. That is why many teenagers and young 20's have less confidence than older adults - they just don't have the experience to say, "It is O.K.".
-Caffeine: Cut out all caffeine from your diet, and cut way back on sugary items. Caffeine can cause anxiety and irritate heart issues.
-Heart palpitations: Caffeine can also cause an increase in afib. Afib is a word for palpitations of the heart. If you have skipped heart beats, racing heart, jumping heart, etc., this may be a sign of palpitations. Along with a bout of palpitations, can come anxiety because of the adrenaline the heart causes to be pumped through your body. This may be a "chicken/egg" question, but people with afib often find they become anxious WHEN they are experiencing palpitations. If this may be an issue for you, see your doctor, and ask to wear a "holter monitor" for 24 hours.
-Plan it out: Think about what you are attempting to do. If you are planning something and worried about it, then try working out the details that bother you the most. Consider what you might do or say in certain circumstances so you are prepared. 
-Praise yourself: If you have accomplished something that you were uncertain about, then PRAISE YOURSELF. Give yourself a pat on the back, and an "attaboy/attagirl". It is O.K. to tell yourself you did a good job! 
-Friends: Hang out with people who are positive. Positive people have a way of uplifting us, and making us feel better about ourselves and things around us. Hang with people just to hear what they are doing and how they are doing it. This can help, too. 
-Ditch the negative: If you have people who say negative things, then find someone else to hang with, or something else to do. It is too easy to copy these habits, and it is not terribly helpful.
-Your skills: Determine what you are good at, and take a class, join a group, talk with others about it who also are interested in it. Learn about it and utilize your skills.
-A pet: Get a pet to care for and possibly accompany you some places. No, pets can't go everywhere, but perhaps just a couple places will help. Pets are great at making us feel good, too.
-Volunteer: Volunteer somewhere to help others. You might help people, animals, whatever. In doing this, you will also feel better about you. 
-Self-talk: Write down good things about yourself and things you have done. You can use anything that fits, but write it down so you can look back on this and "log" it into your brain. 
-New style: Maybe a new outfit, new hairdo, new look may help you feel better. Even if you don't have a lot of money, even second-hand stores have lots of stylish clothing. 
-Baby steps: If you are worried about a certain thing, then take baby steps to accomplish it. Get out the door. Sit on the steps. Walk down the block a few houses. Tell yourself: Good job!! Next time work off this accomplishment to another step until you are where you want to be.
-Book: Read the book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People", by Dale Carnagie. 
-Speak up: If someone is putting you down, it is O.K. to speak up for yourself and tell them that does not help you. Don't argue, but then just walk away if they are not receptive. Or: "Thank you for your opinion. But, I know I did a good job".
-Counselling: If you need counselling, then get that. If you are not certain how to begin, consider going to your general physician for a reference.
-Hotlines: There are hotlines for suicide and depression. Look these up if you feel you are not doing well. 
-Call a friend: Just call a friend and talk. Friends help one another by just being there. Just talking can help us feel better. 

RGIS Inventory is a worldwide company that hires people to do inventories. They hire for both days and nights. But, be sure you TELL THEM what your schedule should be: "I am available these days. Not those days". Stick to it.
2021-04-13 1:27 am
Work from home. You can be a telemarketer. You can do webcams. You can twitch. 
2021-04-14 2:14 am
You are not alone with these feelings. Thousands suffer from bad anxiety.

It is a nightmare cos it restricts a person from leading their lives.

Could you see a doctor? You need to deal with it cos the longer you leave it the worst you feel cos you are stuck indoors and have plenty of time to think.

I hope you try and sort it out. Best wishes
2021-04-14 1:47 am
It’s obvious some of these commenters have never had to deal with anxiety. I understand how hard that is and how things may seem impossible. How it feels like you’re drowning and staying afloat is so hard as you’re running out of energy. This is only a hard chapter & it WILL get better. Please keep trying, and going to therapy. Maybe you haven’t found the right therapist or haven’t tried the right medication. I know people who’ve had to try different medications to find the one that worked, and once they did, it worked miracles.
2021-04-13 4:07 pm
Hello :)
I completely understand you. When nobody else seems to understand it can be very difficult to find the support you need. Especially right now, I think a lot of young people including myself feel stuck in life but this is only temporary. Have hope because what you need will come your way, it will happen at the right time. I like to consistently write out what I am feeling in a journal and then make a list of what I want to accomplish. Take things a step at a time, and prioritize what you need the most first. And then look into how you can work towards that goal. Each day do something that will help you. And don't stress about it. Take time off for yourself to go out in nature and talk with friends and/or your mom about it. It may help you see things differently and bring you into a new environment. Don't feel like you need to have your life figured out! 
The most important thing is your health, including your mental health. The biggest lie you could believe is that you are the only one that feels that way, that nobody will understand, or you will be judged. There is a real importance and grace that you will have from confessing to someone about what you are going through. I encourage you to seek professional help. I wish only the best for you ♥
2021-04-14 8:33 am
Sit down in a quiet place and read the Gospel of John.  Ask Jesus to save you and help you. 
2021-04-14 4:06 am
I dont know what that is, but try new jobs and professions. You either need a job around people or one that's at your own pace.
Try a labor pool, job center, walmart, fast food, cashier anything. Cook?
Or a new career.
I would take baby aspirin and drink a beer before work or after work.
2021-04-13 1:25 am
Therapy is the way forward.
2021-04-13 7:33 am
You are a full grown ADULT and you need to be living on your own not with mommy.

Time to quit making excuses and get a job instead of a sponge.

The longer you set on your rear the more likely you will NEVER work again and i GUARANTEE you your "mum" doesn't want to be supporting you for life
2021-04-16 9:57 am
You know that you need treatment from a licensed mental health provider.
What's stopping you from getting healthy again?
2021-04-16 7:20 am
I dont know what that means but you could always join the Navy Free room and board. 
2021-04-13 7:44 am
Speak to a mental health professional.  No one on Yahoo can help you through the written word.
2021-04-13 1:33 am
Tried everything ? Therapy, talking to your Doctor, doing it for yourself by going out a little every day?
Tried any of that or do you want a magic pill?
2021-04-13 4:24 am
You mom needs to be harshly slapping your peepee until you grow up and stop being so cowardly.
2021-04-18 3:53 am
So sorry, anxiety can certainly be debilitating. :_ I, myself am trying to find the right medication. It is just awful trying to deal with it sometimes. A lot of people don't understand it. 
2021-04-13 11:13 am
Grow up and get a job. Quit mooching off of your mum
2021-04-13 2:16 am
it's probably caused by your mum. Is she white and religious? If so she is spiritually abusing you. It's a real thing. lookup religious abuse.

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