Will my baby inherit my depression and anxiety?

2021-04-12 3:47 pm
I suffer really bad with anxiety and depression and I have done for years.

Me and my girlfriend recently had a surprise baby which we didn't have a clue about and she didn't even know she was pregnant.

I am so happy, but at the same time I am really worried, because I keep thinking that she is going to have depression and anxiety when she is older because I have passed it onto her.

回答 (12)

2021-04-13 7:38 pm
Depression isn't genetic, so you can't pass it onto your children. However, if a kid sees depressed parents, he/she might take such a behavior pattern as something normal, so he/she might decide to follow it (consciously, or unconsciously). Happy parents mean happy children.
2021-04-13 7:25 am
Children often mimic habits by parents. If you are concerned about this, then get counselling for it, and then it will be less likely she will see you having trouble, or learn these same ways.

Teach her positive ways to resolve issues and she will feel good about herself. Pat yourself on the back, and she will do the same for herself and for you. Spend time with her and have fun just doing things. Laugh at things and develo a sense of humor, if at all possible. Learn what you love in life and share that  with her. Help her learn about herself and what she is good at, and she will then appreciate herself and her skills and talents. Get her involved in things she loves to do.

Spend time with family and friends, and she will also feel good about this. 

Of course, Mom will have some influence on her, too!!
2021-04-13 3:53 am
Give your baby a happy life with lots of love and attention and she will be fine. 
2021-04-12 9:24 pm
These things are not inherited. People who have a hard time dealing with stress are more prone to depression than others. especially if they have depression in their families. The thing is for you to gain a healthy lifestyle and good coping methods, and teach these to your children. Advice from experts in my answers.

2021-04-12 4:36 pm
There's no reliable predictive method however it will be something to watch for.  Most important is to be a model for how to seek and accept help when needed.  In this manner, it will teach how to take care of one's self rather than passing along fear and worry.
2021-04-12 4:16 pm
Only in the sense that when you interact with it, it may adopt your feelings.
If the child is removed from your influences, it may grow healthy, mentally.
2021-04-15 9:12 pm
with you as a parent probably 
2021-04-15 4:32 am
Hard to say. But I wish you success in overcoming these problems, and when you do, I'll bet the baby doesn't inherit it!
2021-04-13 1:51 am
Depression and anxiety are more about environment than genetics.
If you raise your child to be depressed and anxious, she will be.
2021-04-12 11:55 pm
nope . depression is not genetic ..
2021-04-12 10:48 pm
Depression and anxiety aren't inherited so providing you baby doesn't have any traumatic experiences she should be OK. My crush suffers from depression, but his kids don't have it (the youngest is only 5 though). 
2021-04-12 8:37 pm
Babies mimic YOUR behavior
Every time a child falls they look at YOUR face and judge from YOUR reaction if they should cry or be scared.
If YOU are an emotional wreck they will also be.
It's not genetic, it's environmental

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