Is anyone else having difficulty with mask shamers (not in stores) violating their personal space and yelling at them aggressively?

2021-04-12 8:40 am
I have been verbally attacked by 3 people in this past 5 days in my New England city. 
I don't wear a mask in my car (why would I?) and I had a guy in a truck try to force me out of a traffic lane, aggressively go in front of me then slow down and move to the right of me and yell "wear a mask you selfish b***h, you're selfish". He scared me so badly I almost got in an accident.
Then when I was in the main lobby of my apartment building walking out towards my car a lady who lives in my building told me to "f**k off" and also called me selfish when I said hi to her while not wearing a mask (I was at least 6 or more feet away even though that makes no difference)
Lastly, I had a lady in a vitamin store tell me I'm a piece of garbage because I sneezed while wearing a mask (I have allergies!) and she sprayed me with hand sanitizer and told the store clerk "you're just going to allow her to sneeze in here and not ask her to leave".

I don't think it's appropriate for anyone to confront people in the way I've been confronted this week. I'm starting to get anxiety thinking about leaving my apartment and was so shaky I dropped my drinking glass when I was drinking water. I feel like my nerves are shattered. I don't like confrontation.

回答 (10)

2021-04-12 8:46 am
i dont like masks either, i only wear them if i have to go somewhere where you have to wear one
2021-04-12 8:53 am
You don't like confrontation? So then maybe start wearing a freaking mask when you're in any public place for a while. Just a thought.
2021-04-12 8:46 am
I'll take "things that never happened" for a thousand, Alex. 
2021-04-12 10:16 pm
Report that truck driver.
2021-04-12 8:59 am
Do you often suffer from such delusions?
2021-04-15 2:15 am
I am so sorry that you have to put up with this abuse but why not do something about it? WEAR A BLOODY MASK AND BE DONE WITH IT. Do you think the rest of us are overjoyed about it? Their mask is there to protect YOU and your mask is to protect them. You are showing the people who are protecting you no respect what so ever. Stop being a pain. If you get covid, you are putting it back into the atmosphere no matter how far you are from people. Not so much in the car but you have to realise that you should not carry passengers in a car that you have driven without a mask. Stop being different and wear a mask. Personally, I hate them as they steam my glasses but out of respect for others, I wear a mask.
2021-04-12 9:27 pm
I am exempt from wearing masks.  I have had No trouble when I say I am exempt.  Just one bus driver asked to see my exemption certificate. I've offered it to several bus drivers and they've all said "I don't need to see it."  Not even one shop worker has asked for proof that I am exempt.  One shop worker told me I didn't need to show my exemption certificate because it was not their job to 'police' the mask rule.

If I were forced to wear a mask I'd pass out and that would be the end of my being that shop's customer.  It's just not been a problem for me.  You should not need to wear a mask in your own car and, if you carry passengers, they are the ones who should wear one IF they are worried about this.
2021-04-15 8:55 am
No, but then I wear a mask, as is the rule where I live. You could try that...or maybe you could move to Texas. 
2021-04-15 6:28 am
Not in Russia. Not a big deal here. Just wear a mask...GOSH!!
 I am Texan, BTW. 
2021-04-14 1:50 pm
you should be care fully with those people they must be Donald trump republicans voters they like to make threat all the time. i had few times getting theat by unwanted people in my new neighborhoods. they did some thing dumb they left their dogs poops bags front of my door steps because they think its dumb that i am wearing a mask on and they dont believe such there a virus out around the world. so if i was you i just keep ignored them no matter what . you can tried to call the police and make a report but make sure you take a photo pictures of them and their vehicles planets numbers . next time if you go outside and some body going to make theat to you make sure you carried paper spay 

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