Trump reportedly targets 'stone cold loser' McConnell in off-the-rails RNC speech- how do you like him now? I can see heads of governments.?

2021-04-12 5:43 am

回答 (5)

2021-04-13 1:42 am
You can sure tell when school is out.  Who the hell can stand Backpedal Tweet aka President **?
2021-04-12 6:32 am
Donald is a moron
2021-04-12 6:17 am
Likely because they have targeted him.  All McConnell has to worry about is KY voters as far as his Senate seat goes.  He has won his primary at least once and survived.
2021-04-12 6:03 am
As I said, if you expect me to believe you care about that, you are grossly underestimating my intelligence.

You don't like Trump...and neither do I.

Don't expect me to believe you care about Republicans eating their own, are just trying to stir $hit.

That said, I'm not a McConnell fan either...and anyone who knows anything knows Trump is trying to get revenge on him and Pence for their "disloyalty."

If you don't want Trump again, you'd better get your boy under control..though that's a notoriously hard job when dementia hits.

The more Old Man Biden f@cks us, the more likely another Trump run becomes.
2021-04-12 5:46 am
Yeah, Trump was right, as usual.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:41:21
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