I feel down in the dumps today, how do I bring up my mood?

2021-04-11 10:49 pm

回答 (3)

2021-04-11 11:55 pm
get a job and work
2021-04-11 11:00 pm
If you're looking for ways to turn a bad mood around, here are seven ways to improve your mood in less than ten minutes.
1. Listen To Upbeat Music.
2. Get A Good Laugh. ...
3. Walk Around The Block.
4. Declutter. ...
5. Give Someone A Hug.
6. Think About What Went Well. ...
7. Allow Yourself To Vent.
2021-04-11 10:55 pm
Read the Gospel of John.  Pray.  

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:56:43
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