I think I have maladaptive daydreaming! What should I do? Who should I talk to? PLEASE! Help me!?

2021-04-11 10:38 pm
Please help me. Its the first time I address my daydreaming as mental. It already interfered a lot from. All signs says yes to me. To be precise. I always think of me being someone I could have been. Like literally anything! Often times when I watch something. I put myself in the same character. I already am a 28 yr old guy. I badly need help 😐

回答 (1)

2021-04-11 11:06 pm
An expert recommends the online support group Wild Minds Matter. This is not officially recognized as a disorder and there's no formal treatment but some people are getting therapy for it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:56:38
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