Does stress make you ugly? ?

2021-04-11 7:22 pm
I am the oldest of 3 sisters. I'm 24 and my younger sister is 22 and the other is 21. I've always been abused by my parents but they weren't. I suffered from depression growing up and I attempted suicide once. My other two sisters had minor stresses like studying or focusing on things they want to achieve. That was stressful for them. But I was constantly stressed and bullied throughout my life by peers and parents at home. I had a lot of responsibility placed on me and I was the only one getting beatings. I remember when I use to be pretty in middle school but my parents found a way to make me insecure. They kept calling me fat and ugly. 

I'm 24 and I've gained weight and look much different than I did when I was a teen. My younger sisters still look brighter than ever and still have nice bodies. They look filled with life and I look dead. They glow and I look miserable. Was stress the cause of all this? I'm doing better now since I moved out. But I still find myself stressing and being sad. I don't know how to let go and move on.

回答 (3)

2021-04-11 10:18 pm
Stress can cause overeating (and therefore gaining weight).  It can cause the skin, especially on the face, to appear old and tired.
Find a therapist that can help you.  This isn't something you can do on your own, if it was you would have by now.
2021-04-11 9:16 pm
It seems that your parents didn't look after you, so now you are not caring for and loving yourself. So start there. Eat healthily, take good exercise, sleep well. Have some fun, even if it is just spending time soaking in a nice herby bath! 

I often suggest that people find some voluntary work, perhaps involving animals - even if just for a couple of hours a week. It will benefit your community (local or global), and also will help give you a better sense of your own value, meet some great people - and could possibly even lead to a job, perhaps. 

I hope your sisters love you, although they may have been poisoned against you by your parents. Perhaps your parents learned from their mistakes with you and did a better job with your sisters. What were their own parents like? Go see your sisters when you can and be glad for them and their success.

As for being attractive, this mostly comes from within. You probably don't want to attract the shallow young boys by being too flirty and over made-up for example. In the long run, who you are is far more important that what you look like.

Good Luck!

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:56:30
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