These are what I believe to be the most common racially biased sitatuons....?

2021-04-11 3:50 pm
First of all, I'm neither White nor Black, so I'm kinda like Switzerland, I'm neuturel right (Yes i did read those Twilight books before you ask), so as somebody who isn't White i'm going to talk about the very common experiences that I've noticed in life, from my angle, my perspective.. If you don't like it, f**k off because Yahoo! Answers shuts down in 9 days, so what difference is it to me? It's no skin off my back. Again, i'm not taking sides or anything, I'm merely telling you my lived experiences in life and what I believe.... 

1. A White person telling a non-White person off (for whatever reason, maybe something work related at the workplace) and then immediately telling a White person off straight after. I've noticed they do this so that the non-White person doesn't think that he or she is being targeted. It's like "Oh he told that White person off too, so it's not a race thing". 

2. When a White person talks to you like English is not your first language. Sometimes, there will be instances where they will immediately assume that you're not well versed in English. I work in retail and customers will sometimes be like "Hi, could you show me where the vases are, you know those things that people use to put flowers in". Nevermind that you might read 5 books a day, they will just assume based on looks.

3. People are just naturally scared of you. You are somehow, without even trying, a source of inexplicable fear and threat to White people

Can anyone here relate? 

回答 (1)

2021-04-11 4:52 pm
it all seems plausible to me, anyway there are a million possibilities for which people can be silly, hypocritical and annoying, focusing always on black and white speech is a speck in a (switzerland) sea.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:56:23
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