Good home remedies for covid? I don't want to go to the hospital.?

2021-04-11 1:18 pm
I just can't afford and do not wish to go to the hospital. 

回答 (8)

2021-04-11 1:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We don't have "remedies" for COIVD.  We treat symptoms.  We give steroids and prevent clots typically.  If patients can't breathe, we apply high flow oxygen or even place them on a ventilator.  We encourage patients to prone (lay on your stomach) and practice good pulmonary toilet (deep breathing, and coughing).

What are your symptoms?
2021-04-11 1:26 pm
If you're really determined to not go to the hospital then stay home and rest. Drink lots of water, make sure you eat enough. If you need anything, have it delivered to your house. You can have groceries delivered with delivery apps like instacart, or meals with grubhub or doordash. Do not leave your house for AT LEAST two weeks for any reason. If you only have mild symptoms you should be okay. However, if you start to get worse, go to the hospital. People are literally dying. The only reason you should leave your house is to go to the hospital or get a covid test. Once you test negative then you're good to leave your house again. Do not take this lightly.
2021-04-11 6:55 pm
isolation of course. and take hot food 
2021-04-11 3:14 pm
There are none, except the vaccination.
2021-04-11 4:12 pm
 I’m just getting over it myself. I didn’t even bother getting tested because at first I thought it was the flu, but then my son who was sick before me got tested positive so apparently I got it from him. He’s kind of young and he was just hanging out with his friends and none of them were wearing masks etc. So he got it from one of them. Like somebody else said try to drink a lot of water, etc.  I had absolutely no appetite for a number of days. And then gradually I started getting hungrier towards the end of the day and in the evenings I would generally start to feel a little bit better. It’s a very weird virus the way it affects you.What I’ve been doing is taking quite a bit of vitamin D, (You can take too much vitamin D but I’ve been taking 10,000 units a couple of times a week with K2) because from what I understand it’s very good for your immune system. I’ve been trying to take whatever vitamin C I have around also because it supposed to be good for it also. Any other supplements I have around. Trying to drink herbal teas with lemon and honey to soothe my throat and to help with the coughing etc. It’s been about seven days and I’m starting to feel quite a bit better. They say it generally takes about 10 days. Of course I was worried that I might have a lingering effects from it because some people do. It’s a bit too early to tell. Not much I can do about it if that happens I guess.I really thought I was going to almost die for a while though. I’m 65 and I started wondering if I was going to make it. People don’t really know How bad it can be.  I was coughing but not really to the point where I was worried I might have to go on a ventilator or something like that. But I was having all these other really weird symptoms like lying in bed feeling like somebody was stabbing me in my scalp with a knife moderately over and over again. Or I would just touch my hair and literally my hair follicles would just be really painful for example. I think it’s just because the virus causes this systemic inflammation in your body and all your joints and all your nerve endings and just about everything in your body just starts to get inflamed and hurts.Just really weird stuff. Even some delirium kind of symptoms like I would lie in
bed Not knowing if I was asleep or not and started to hear weird conversations in my head. Really bizarre stuff. And then the incredible fatigue,  like if I just tried to lift a couple of bags of groceries I would feel like I was literally going to have a heart attack.  And was having all these heart palpitations and so forth. Just a whole array of really weird and unpleasant and painful symptoms. Like you’re dying.I did not see any point in going to the doctor because first of all I’ve learned to hate doctors,  And the HORRIBLE doctors here have only ever made me sicker in my life than helped me....and I was too wiped out to even get off the bed or the couch anyway for a while. And I didn’t think there was much a doctor could do for me anyway. I’m sure they would’ve probably just told me to take ibuprofen or something which I don’t take anyway.I also don’t have a car right now. So I figured I wouldn’t resort to calling an ambulance and going to the hospital or whatever unless I really felt like I was going to have some serious serious serious consequence like being about to die. I just kind of stuck it out and I think I’m over the worst part of it now. Feeling MUCH Better than I was for a while there. I literally didn’t know if I was going to make it for a while.
2021-04-11 2:06 pm
Treat the symptoms.

Tylenol for fever, aches, and pains.

Cough syrup to help the cough.

As long as you can actually breathe without needing medical assistance to do it, there is really no reason not to just stay home and treat it.

You might want to consider checking with your doctor for their recommendations.  There are a few prescriptions they might be able to give you to help reduce some symptoms if your case of COVID isn't severe.  
2021-04-11 3:22 pm
Imagine being so poor you have no choice but to die cause you can't pay to go to the ****** doctor lmfao Broke muthafucka
2021-04-12 12:37 am
High doses of vitamin c and d. 
Dr Klinghardt explain how to treat completely. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:42:52
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