If you are a white person in America, have you experienced racism or racist abuse?

2021-04-11 5:19 am

回答 (18)

2021-04-11 5:32 am
Today, Whites are treated far worse than any Black person in the past.
2021-04-11 5:23 am
Yes..! Beaten and stomped by four blacks because I'm white.. I heard them say, let's get that white boy.. I ran but didn't get away..
2021-04-11 5:21 am
Have I experienced prejudice and bigotry?  Yes, I have.  It isn't an experience that is unique to any race.
2021-04-11 11:19 am
no and white people don't exist every one is a shade of beige
2021-04-11 10:54 pm
Of course non whites are racist to whites but it’s not socially acceptable to acknowledge this
2021-04-11 5:22 pm
My dad (who is white) was promised a promotion at his work it was taken away from him because the company wasn't "diverse" enough so the promotion went to a less qualified black woman (we'll call her Jane).  My dad had to do Jane's job because she had no idea what she was doing.  Jane was fired a couple years later because she wasn't very good at her job
2021-04-11 7:53 pm
Yes by liberals and sometimes minorities. 
2021-04-11 11:30 pm
I was flat out told that because I was not a minority I would not get the job I applied for. When I talked to an attorney about it they said I have no case, as discrimination only exists for minorities to benefit. 
2021-04-11 12:57 pm
Racism is of course a terrible individualist trait, but I think too many folks here don’t seem to realize that the real issue is systematic institutional racism. And a societal system built by white people, for white people, will always show favor towards white people. To claim to experience Reverse racism as a white individual in such a society built on white institutional racism is simply an impossibility, regardless of any individual claims you make about an interaction you had with an individual who acted racist towards you. 
2021-04-11 4:42 pm
Well, I'm a White man and a midget. Taller White men have frequently treated me like a n*gger.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:42:05
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