Should Prince Harry be banned from the Royal Funeral ?

2021-04-11 1:19 am
Since he betrayed the royal family should he be banned from attending?

回答 (48)

2021-04-11 3:28 am
No. That's a ridiculous question.
Should Yahoo have banned anonymous morons, rather than shutterring Y!/A?
2021-04-11 6:41 am
If I ever need a brain transplant I hope to get yours, seeing as how it's never been used.
2021-04-11 6:32 am
No, but you should learn to breathe through your nose and stop dragging your knuckles.
2021-04-11 6:41 am
No. Choosing a career outside the family businss is not treachery, and, anyway, funerals are a time for reconciliations.
2021-04-11 6:29 am
It seems that you know NOTHING about royals OR families.  How did he "betray" them?
2021-04-11 5:40 am
Absolutely, he is a traitor who portrayed the royal family and should never be allowed in England again.  
2021-04-11 5:47 am
He and that black virus need to be hung.
2021-04-11 8:35 am
I personally think that would be going to far.
2021-04-11 4:04 pm
NO he never did anything WRONG and you already know this

please stop with the Hate
2021-04-11 9:20 am
No. Family is family and he should go. If we were to extend your logic (?), then every family that has internal disagreements would be banning family members from attending family funerals. Sometimes, both sides need to “take one for the team” and attend and let the other family member attend and, oh I don’t know, maybe act like adults maybe in memory  of dear old Grandpa. Besides, and speaking as an American, it would look better internationally for Great Britain if the Firm could just act like adults and have everyone there.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:38:29
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