Should I stop talking to someone my friend doesn't like?

2021-04-10 11:52 pm
I met someone online and we've become good friends. Recently one of his classmates contacted me because he was interested in dating me but my friend said his classmate wasn't a good person + we should prank him and tell him I'm trans to stop him from talking to me since he isn't gay so wouldn't want a girl that's actually a guy. So we did that but his classmate was surprisingly nice about it and in fact still contacts me but with the aim of becoming friends instead. I told my friend the prank didn't work, and he then told me to stop talking to his classmate because he doesn't like him + the only reason why his classmate is talking to me is because he wants to get a visa through me (they live in a poorer country). Whenever I bring up the classmate the fun mood of our conversation is ruined and he tells me to stop talking to that guy.

So do I respect my friend's wishes and ignore his classmate's attempts at making a friendship, or do I risk ruining the friendship with my good friend and continue talking to his classmate who may or may not genuinely want to be friends? Does it seem like the classmate actually does just want a visa? And how do I stop talking to his classmate without being rude to the classmate? I feel bad just ignoring people who've been so nice to me, even if the kindness is secretly fake, and I also don't want to tell the classmate that the reason I won't talk to him anymore is all because of my friend, because that could also harm our friendship.

回答 (5)

2021-04-11 10:43 pm
You should not allow your friends to dictate to you who your other friends can be.  It's your choice who you befriend. Once you allow that the 'friend' will start dictating other things.  Don't allow others to rule your life.
2021-04-11 10:12 am
You can not grant that man a visa no matter how good of friends you become. So just be friends. Be friends for 6 months. You can have male friends, apparently. Do what you want to do. 
2021-04-11 1:40 am
1) How can you trust this first person you met online any 
more than you can trust his classmate? Is he really any 
different from the other? They are both just "online entities".
2) Stop letting others dictate with whom you can interact 
(especially when coming from someone you don't really 
know). If it harms your "friendship", then it says more 
about them and the type of person they truly are. 
2021-04-11 2:56 am
Have you ever used your own brain to make a decision in your life?  Or do your friends and family always do it?  
2021-04-11 7:33 pm
your wish. if you think your best friend is more important , then stop ....

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:41:28
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