How do i deal with sexual frustration as a 25 year old male thats never had a girlfriend, in good health and can’t get laid.?

2021-04-10 10:17 pm
Sometimes i feel like killing myself because its almost impossible for me to get a girlfriend let alone get laid. Am a fraternal twin and my sister gets thousands of matches on dating sites while I’ve been on 12 dating sites for over 9 years and never matched with any woman. This may sound funny to some of you guys, but its really not to me and it causes me pain and depression everyday of my life. Am physically fit, i have good hygiene, i take care of myself, so why is it impossible for any girl to be into me? I live on my own and don’t leach off my parents, but i know guys that still live with their parents and having women chasing them, so what makes me so different that i have to be alone and single all the time. I just want to die because i don’t know what to do anymore. Does anyone here have any advice plz?

回答 (15)

2021-04-11 3:01 am
The firsts sentence of your question screams "all women are good for is sex!"... read it and see.  

Maybe learn something about women, how to talk to them, how to be charming, pleasant, to take an interest in the woman and to behave like a gentleman because that's the kind of a man most adult women prefer. 

And if you are so focused on sex only, then buy a fleshlight. I hear a lot of men prefer those over women. 
2021-04-10 10:54 pm
What are you going to do about it? Switch your focus from the problem to possible solutions. Catch the brilliant coach Anthony Robbins on Youtube. And/or Eckart Tolle. 

Good Luck!
2021-04-10 10:49 pm
Well, if you haven't matched with a single woman on 12 dating sites over 9 years, then you are doing something wrong, but I can't tell you what because everything you've written about yourself here sounds fine.

Are you close to your sister or do you have any close female friends? If yes, then ask them for their honest opinion and advice and listen to what they have to say.
2021-04-10 10:20 pm
Well for one, don’t compare yourself to your sister because reality of the fact, there’s always men lined up for even the ugliest girl in the world. 2. Maybe your profile and bio is the problem? What does your bio say? What kind of pics are you using on your profile? 
2021-04-10 10:24 pm
thats why we have hookers
2021-04-10 10:39 pm
It may be time to ditch the bi tch, make the switch and be gay. There's some fella out there that would consider it an honor and a privilege to suck your di ck.
2021-04-11 3:50 am
see a lady of the evening.
2021-04-11 2:38 am
First of all please please don't do anything to hurt yourself. If you are seriously considering hurting yourself, please immediately call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255. 

It sounds like you might need some professional counseling to help you talk through this. It's often available for little or no fee through health insurance. Almost everyone needs counseling at some point in their lives.

The best way to handle sexual frustration is exercise, cool showers, and dreams.

Please stay strong and save yourself for marriage. If you do, you’ll never regret it. Sex is unbelievably powerful and the chemicals in the brain that are released during it can cause you to become bonded to someone who you don't want to be bonded to. Here’s some information about sex before marriage from the books True Love Lasts, and Straight Talk About Dating:

Having sex before marriage can be harmful to you and to your future. This harm could possibly include things like:
- not feeling good about yourself
- finding out that having sex causes people to become emotionally attached way too quickly
- sex becoming the main focus of your relationship
- finding out that having sex makes people ignore serious problems in the person they’re dating, serious problems that could destroy a marriage
- failing to realize that dating relationships which have sex as their main focus usually don’t last - until the relationship falls apart
- not learning to have real communication with each other, to be in touch with the your positive and negative feelings and the feelings of your significant other, to resolve conflicts in a calm constructive manner, to really get to know what your significant other is like in all situations because you’re spending too much time having sex
- not feeling good about choosing to have sex after your boyfriend or girlfriend says “I love you” and then later finding out he or she was lying to you just to get sex or he or she just has the feeling of being “in love” instead of true love (true love is supposed to be a lifelong commitment)
- feeling that you need to keep having sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend or else they’ll break up with you - even though you don’t feel good about it
- finding out that having sex makes people stay in dating relationships much longer than they should
- making the bad choice to stay in a relationship that you know isn’t good for you because you’re having sex
- being broken hearted after your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you
- becoming an angry person after having your heart broken
- becoming depressed or possibly even suicidal after having your heart broken (please see a professional counselor immediately if you feel depressed or suicidal)
- feeling that you can’t trust anyone anymore after you’ve had your heart broken
- feeling horrible that you broke your boyfriend or girlfriend’s heart when you broke up with them
- getting into the habit of jumping from one sexual relationship to another looking for true love and sadly never finding it
- getting a sexually transmitted disease (a CDC study shows that 25% of sexually active teenage girls have at least one STD)
- getting pregnant
- becoming a single mother (guys often don’t marry their pregnant girlfriends)
- having a child who doesn’t have a stable male role model in their life
- becoming more hesitant about making a lifelong marriage commitment to another person after having your heart broken
- ending up having problems relating sexually to your husband or wife in marriage because of the sex you had with them (and possibly with others) before marriage
- becoming divorced (statistics show that couples who have sex before marriage are more likely to get divorced than couples who don’t have sex before marriage)

(Please remember that you eventually want a 50 or 60 year marriage - not a 5 or 10 year marriage.)

Hope this helps!

PS My first suggestion is that you put in the effort necessary to become a strong person (if you’re not already). A strong person has good character (honesty, integrity, trustworthiness), a positive attitude (cheerful, caring, friendly, forgiving, helpful, and respectful), fulfills their responsibilities (for handling pains in a positive way, for always trying to make a good choice, for taking care of themselves, for serving others), puts forth their best effort, and displays self-control (of their body, anger, tongue and money). A strong man will choose to put aside his sexual desires before marriage because he knows it's best for the long-term health of the relationship.

My second suggestion is that you eventually look for this type of person (otherwise you are setting yourself up for a broken heart). Unfortunately this type of person is difficult to find – but save yourself the heartache and don’t settle for less.
PPS If all of what I've just written is baloney, then why did a person write a comment about one of my other answers (it was similar to this answer) that read: "I'm literally crying right now while reading what you wrote. I can relate to everything you said."

PPPS Here are "21 tips that could help you to attract a strong person" from the book True Love Lasts:

1. Take the time and put in the effort to become a strong person yourself (this is the most important tip)
2. Put yourself in as many situations as possible that will allow you to potentially come in contact with other strong people - community service organizations, the library, high school or college clubs, the “Y” or other workout facilities, religious book studies, coffee shops, non-alcoholic parties, bookstores, concerts (wear a good pair of earplugs to protect your ears from permanent hearing loss), co-ed recreational athletic teams, community service projects, mission trips, volunteer service, etc. Try to get to know other people as much as possible without dating
3. Be cheerful, approachable, and friendly - smile regularly to put others at ease (let people see your positive attitude)
4. Take a real interest in getting to know others. Ask people an open-ended question about themselves in order to get them talking. Share things related to what’s been said as needed to keep the conversation going. Then ask them another question
5. Be polite and kind to everyone - even to people who you don’t like or enjoy being around
6. If you decide to not accept a request for a date, do it in a kind way (being rude isn’t a good choice and it doesn’t help you - word about it will get out and you’ll become less approachable)
7. Be confident about yourself - if you’re trying to become a stronger person each day, you already have a lot going for you
8. Be humble - don’t act like you’re Miss Charming or you’re Mr. Wonderful
9. Don’t be concerned about whether or not someone likes you
10. Have the attitude that if someone doesn’t like you - they don’t really know you
11. Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep (at least nine hours for teens, at least seven hours for adults according to the experts), exercising regularly (if approved by your doctor), and eating a healthy diet
12. Develop a good sense of humor - including the ability to laugh at your own mistakes
13. Be known as a hard worker
14. Dress well and dress modestly at the same time (wearing seductive clothing doesn’t attract another strong person)
15. Pay attention to your appearance, but don’t obsess over it (remember that strong people are attracted to other strong people, they’re not too concerned about looks - because they realize that looks fade with age). If you use makeup, make sure it’s not excessive. Use perfumes and colognes sparingly - if at all
16. Truly care about other people
17. Stay in close communication with real friends who can help you through the ups and downs of life and hold you accountable
18. Be patient - real friends can help you with this
19. Persevere - please remember that almost nothing worthwhile is quick and easy. Please don’t settle for dating a weak person
20. Don’t take it personally if someone doesn’t want to date you
21. Don’t act desperate for a date
參考: True Love Lasts - written with a character emphasis for teens through young adults, Straight Talk About Dating - written with a Christian emphasis for ages 20 and up
2021-04-10 10:22 pm
I would recommend going to the mall and asking out fifty women. In fact, ask out any and all women you see. You'll be getting laid in no time.
2021-04-11 6:33 pm
Hey bro. I'm 31 and have only had one girlfriend but she wanted to wait till marriage, and she lived to damn far away (she moved to a different town an hour away from me) and thus, I had to break up with her. Haven't had sex yet either.

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