Dear: ɱเ૨αเ this's an emergency yahoo answers is  shutting down i need u to answr this now i asked or  tell about ur friend u said 4 yrs ago?

2021-04-10 10:42 am
please receive me news about ur friend u said he loves my idea, remember?
4 years ago do u remember u read my question of this and u mention about ur friend u said the 1 who will loved it i am so desperately want to ask u can i contact ur Chinese friend, please, i liked to know if i can or not?
i remember asking u if he can work to any of these animation studios in Brazil i found
for ur friend and u never answer me about that, since, what happen to u not comment me about the animation studios in Brazil ur friend can work in any of these?
what happened to u not comment me, again it's important for me if he can make his cartoon Brazilian at all now to know?
i'm sad u left me waiting for ur answers, i need to know did he design any characters yet??
i remember u told me Brazil is all about football, but its not true, there r animation studios in Brazil for ur friend to work in my idea he loves, please i beg u to answer me: again after 4 years i try to get u to comment: again, please answer ɱเ૨αเ, i cry a little every time u never been answering this whole time??
please i hope ur alive on yahoo?!
please tell me, again soon as possible!

*comment, again, please*

回答 (4)

2021-04-10 11:04 am
Let's keep it faithful to the source material. What's your nationality and where do you live?  
Hi Margaret, you just gave me an idea for an animated short film about a girl's desperate search for her Brazilian otaku friend in the last days of the site where they met each other.
2021-04-10 10:59 am
1 is it gonna be no dialogue and gonna be on youtube?

2 and this is based on my desperate reach to that guy who told me he has a Chinese friend that i had a memory of the comments yahoo removed last July 23rd he told me his friend wants to be a great animator 1 day, but said his friend wanted to work outside Brazil and i didn't want that, i tried asking him if his friend can work any of these studios inside Brazil and never got an answer about it for years now, this is why i keep trying to get him to respond me for years and now i want to know if i could contact his Chinese friend so i could see his designed characters from my idea?

2+ is the friend of ur idea is gonna be a Chinese girl or boy and is the girl is a pen pal from another country who's searching for her Chinese Brazilian ohtaku friend?

Edit2: @********* why are you not answering, please answer my questions about the idea I never meant to give u of the short film, is it gonna be on youtube and with no dialogue, please tell me everything what I asked about your short film ur thinking of??

@********* i'm from North America, now can u answer about ur idea short film i all asked about?
do u have contact with this guy at all?
he is the guy who said he has a friend loved my idea 4 years ago, his friend is Chinese and it was exciting, but the problem is i didn't get to know how his design on Chinese Brazilian characters looks like, i also wonder if he knew any animation studios from Brazil, i'm very sad his friend isn't using his own yahoo to answer me, i don't know if he has 1 like his friend ɱเ૨αเ, i also never got to ask ɱเ૨αเ on what's his friend's username yet!

@********* a short film where, in France or USA?
is it gonna be no dialogue and gonna be on youtube?
and this is based on my desperate reach to that guy who told me he has a Chinese friend that i had a memory of the comments yahoo removed last July 23rd he told me his friend wants to be a great animator 1 day, but said his friend wanted to work outside Brazil and i didn't want that, i tried asking him if his friend can work any of these studios inside Brazil and never got an answer about it for years now, this is why i keep trying to get him to respond me for years and now i want to know if i could contact his Chinese friend so i could see his designed characters from my idea?
is the friend of ur idea is gonna be a Chinese girl or boy and is the girl is a pen pal from another country who's searching for her Chinese Brazilian ohtaku friend?

@Doidinha44: its a he, u think he's not using yahoo anymore?
i desperately want to see if i can email his friend!

@Cachorrao: i cant read what ur saying, say again in English?
2021-04-10 10:45 am
I think she's not here anymore...
2021-04-10 10:44 am
É só uma mensagem aleatória 

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