Has anybody eaten in restaurants since the pandemic and did you feel safe from covid with the procedures in place?

2021-04-10 7:41 am

回答 (16)

2021-04-11 2:20 pm
I am a Republican, wear a mask (even before a mask mandate) and got vaccinated.  Is it safe to eat in an indoor restaurant?  Let's see-- people are talking, eating, laughing and sometimes cough and sneeze.   No diner is wearing a mask-- they can't.  Coronavirus can linger in the air for 3 hours. Safe?  Really?  If your biggest fear is missing out on a restaurant meal, then  your priorities need to be reexamined.  Many ppl are hoping to get out of this pandemic without getting killed.  The worse thing isn't that the doctors and nurses get overwhelmed by the fact that every ICU bed is full.  The worse thing is that COVID patients go to the hospital, get maximum treatment and still die.  Yes, you can go to the hospital and die there. And all the lawyers in the world cannot help you.  Yes, your honor, the guy had COVID, we did our best and he still died.
2021-04-10 7:54 am
I have not eaten indoor, outdoor, carry out, NOTHING since March last year. I don't want people breathing on anything I get close to my face. 
2021-04-11 7:02 pm
Yes I have. Local restaurants have been rolling along here in New Orleans area for a while. I've had zero concern as I know most of the people that run the placesI eat regularly. They are smaller and family run operations.
2021-04-11 4:00 pm
Yes and NO i ll tell you how i feel after i got my second shot 
2021-04-11 3:09 pm
Only take-away and delivery for me (same for pretty much everyone I know).
2021-04-11 2:06 pm
Yep, I have, and sometimes I felt really safe, other times not at all. Depends upon how busy the restaurant was, and how much safety measures they implemented, like spacing out the tables more, or adding dividers, etc.
2021-04-11 10:54 am
I have been to Applebees, Izzys, Ihop, Maxwells bar, Cracker Barrel  and not even a sniffle. 
2021-04-11 6:52 am
Don't worry about it.  It ruins other people's lives when people panic its just a flu illness.  The flu has been around forever. 
2021-04-10 6:48 pm
The wife and I have been to the diner a couple times. It is in the best interest of restaurants to take necessary precautions. I would not go into a restaurant that has not.
2021-04-10 11:47 am
My wife and I have been in restaurants three times and at a buffet once since last year. All visits were after our (Moderna) vaccines were fully effective. In all instances, the service staff was masked when near out table. At the buffet, we were given a stack of plastic gloves to wear when filling our plates, and asked to mask while going to/through the buffet line. Before we were vaccinated, we had a couple of patio meals outside a restaurant that had the same staff security.
I have been comfortable in each of these instances, even with my underlying health issues.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:41:21
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