If gun regulations don't work because criminals don't obey laws, why do Republicans think voter regulations will work?

2021-04-10 1:51 am
Is it because the point isn't to stop voter fraud as much as to stop legal voters from casting a ballot?

Edit for Joe the Illegitimate:  No, I am not saying that at all.  I didn't even mention voter IDs.

回答 (8)

2021-04-10 2:33 am
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It’s because they want to stop more minorities from voting.

Larger turnout means Republican loss is more likely smaller turnout means democrat loss more likely.
2021-04-10 1:53 am
Are you saying that black people are too stupid to get a photo ID? 
2021-04-10 2:23 am
Gun regulations seem to work a lot better in other countries than they do in the USA.
2021-04-10 2:01 am
Well Democrats often admit to voting up to hundreds or even thousands of times. It's really been well known for a long time they did that! So we have to figure it out and try to stop it. 
2021-04-10 2:08 am
If voter regulations don't work, why do dems....bla bla bla
2021-04-10 1:55 am
The "criminals don't obey laws" meme is a bad faith attempt to dismiss a legitimate argument. 
Whenever I hear this I respond with a simple question — why don't we see mass shootings committed with fully automatic weapons? Or tanks? Or nuclear devices? The answer is obvious... it is much more difficult for criminals to obtain those items.
The point is that obeying the law isn't always a choice which criminals can simply ignore. Sometimes the law takes the choice away from criminals.
2021-04-10 1:55 am
How is that even remotely comparable to banning the purchase of something?  Are you dumb?  The TYPE of regulation matters.  Banning things frome people owning, like drugs, prostitution, pornography, guns, etc., just creates a black market.  Having voting security measures is common sense and you didn't propose any plausible way for these regulations to be subverted... dumb...
2021-04-10 1:53 am
Drunk driving laws don't work, because criminals don't obey laws. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:47:06
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