Anybody have any ideas on how to throw a giant middle finger at Yahoo for shutting Y!A down?

2021-04-10 1:13 am

回答 (7)

2021-04-10 1:22 am
Try this one, :)
2021-04-10 1:17 am
I think the staff isn’t checking questions any longer for abuse, so I don’t think there’s any way. Sorry I feel you.
2021-04-10 1:16 am
Just leave their website forget using their email and their services. When people stop coming to their website.

They won't make any money and they'll be out of business
2021-04-10 1:15 am
Yes - copy and paste this everywhere
2021-04-10 1:45 am
We could all flip yahoo off at once hon 🖕🏻FY!As
2021-04-10 1:17 am
Send them a box of chocolate-covered cat turds.
2021-04-10 1:17 am
Ban anything Verizon from your home. That will hit them where it hurts!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:43:52
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