Why in England and Wales misogyny is a hate crime but not misandry ?

2021-04-09 8:29 pm
Now if some female / gay has her breasts looked at or approached , joked , hurt feelings is now a hate crime in Britain .

A violation of free speech rights and unequal rights against men without due process rights .

The future fall of western society is the future .

回答 (10)

2021-04-10 12:24 am
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"Why in England and Wales misogyny is a hate crime but not misandry ?"

Because enough people in positions of power, along with enough vocal public supporters are in agreement with that gynocentric double standard to the point where they want to codify that into law.  Imagine that??

It would be like some politicians and enough public supporting laws that would make Black people sit at the back of the bus, or drink from different water fountains by law.  So we are going backwards socially more than half a century now with these "progressive" ideas.  We are heading into a new Jim Crow era, with men as the victims, right  before our very eyes.  And too many people are just fine with this under some very strange feminist ideas.  It doesn't have to be this way.
2021-04-10 3:57 pm
Misogyny is much worse than Misandry for one simple reason, women are much much weaker than men in both mind and body and therefore need much more protection than men.  Feminists understand this fact which is why they campaign for women to be given far greater protection than men in all areas. 

At the end of the day if you understand that feminism and political correctness (much the same thing) both want women to be treated in a traditional manner where men protect and provide for them then you will understand how these things work. 
2021-04-09 8:42 pm
i do not know, things are starting to feel very communist in britain.
2021-04-09 9:59 pm
Because those countries like most western countries are gynocentric.   
2021-04-10 1:06 am
It wasn't until 1998 that England even pretended to protect the right to free speech and expression by passing the equal rights act. That however never amounted to anything in the real world as hate speech laws remained and expanded in the years to follow. The reality of political and social views being censored in England started well before misogyny was deemed a hate crime and is so ingrained in their culture and politics that there is little chance it will go away anytime soon. 

One of the most telling things about all of this is that misandry is still legal and openly endorsed and used by political leaders in England including the very woman responsible for making misogyny a hate crime. The English government openly discriminate against men, is openly hateful to men, openly preaches female superiority and yet ironically preaches female victimhood, and silences men by deeming opposition misogyny and arresting all offenders. That the country that feminism and liberalism has turned England into. 
2021-04-10 8:12 am
Wonder how this woman proves to the police that someone was looking at her breasts. You'd think the cops might need some evidence to make that charge stick. 
2021-04-09 11:01 pm
It is pretty rude to look at other people's private parts or make jokes about them.
2021-04-11 12:59 am
I understand the way the bill is written it includes hate crimes against both men and women- it just says "based on sex".

In practice of course, I presume it will only be used when the victim is female.
2021-04-10 6:52 pm
i agree
if men got approached for their pp, it should also be a hate crime
2021-04-10 4:47 pm
This is a bill, so it’s a proposal for legislation.  At the moment police are just collecting data on which crimes are believed to have been based on hostility to women due to their sex. It has not effected “ due process” because it is not ( at present anyway), a law. Hurt feelings are not a crime, so again this is yet another hysterical GS question designed to cause outrage.

It may not be that helpful if it ever were to become law but the extremely low prosecution rates for crimes like rape and assault are a big concern.  It’s hoped that police and prosecutors will take misogyny more seriously if they are at least recording the cases where it’s seen as a factor. Having the data to hand is the first step to improving the justice system.

 I haven’t heard whether misandry is thought to be the basis for any ,or many, crimes so I don’t know if the same could be argued about misandry provoking criminal behaviour. If it does cause criminal activity then I expect misandry would also come up for similar consideration in time. Also it’s possible this present bill may not get anywhere and it won’t turn into legislation. Who knows what will happen.

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