What were your covid 19 vaccine side effects?

2021-04-09 7:05 pm

回答 (13)

2021-04-09 7:53 pm
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I woke up the following morning with a sore arm and the mother of all headaches.  Ibuprofen got rid of both of them.
2021-04-09 7:08 pm
First shot:  sore arm
Second shot: sore arm, chills
2021-04-09 7:18 pm
Sore arm, chills, and malaise. 
2021-04-11 11:13 am
the normal side effects for the covid vaccine lol
2021-04-10 2:15 pm
it turned me into a computer...oh wait...thats the section we are in...and Covid has nothing to do with computers....hmmmmmm
2021-04-10 10:14 am
I ended up dying, thank god I took one of a cats 9 lives so im alright
2021-04-10 8:55 am
I grew a third arm, its the size of a baby hand though. Am I dying?
2021-04-09 8:26 pm
2021-04-10 4:42 pm
you have a computer , look it up . troll...
2021-04-09 7:09 pm
I have not being vaccinated. Too scared.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:37:32
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