Can fasting reverse type 2 diabetes?

2021-04-09 4:51 pm

回答 (11)

2021-04-10 8:44 am
Your A1C might improve - but that would not TRULY be "reversing" anything.

To actually "reverse" type 2 diabetes, you need to make life changes that you can ACTUALLY live with.  Things like eating healthier choices, dropping weight, and getting more exercise are the things that MIGHT reverse type 2 diabetes - especially if the cause of type 2 is due to obesity and poor eating habits.

Diabetes is NEVER actually cured.  It is NEVER actually "gone".  Even if you find something that gets your A1C back into the correct non-diabetic range - you are still a diabetic.  You are just controlled by whatever life style changes that you have made.

Fasting is NOT a realistic life style change that would be healthy for maintaining control of diabetes.  

If you return to the bad habits that caused your A1C to go into diabetic levels, then the diabetes would return too.  
2021-04-09 4:52 pm
No, how? Your body needs the nutrients from food to survive.
2021-04-09 7:37 pm
Unfortunately, you can't reverse diabetes. If you are on medications, fasting can be quite dangerous. Please consult to your doctor/dietician of any changes to diet. Hope i helped :)
2021-04-09 5:31 pm
Nope, absolutely not. Fasting is not good for you in any way, and does not cure anything. 
2021-04-09 5:46 pm
No, but diabetes can reduce fasting.
2021-04-17 2:48 am
Although there is no definitive cure for type 2 diabetes, diet plays a major role in maintaining optimal blood sugar levels and avoiding negative complications. Short-term diets such as fasting are not generally recommended by healthcare providers for patients with diabetes. Especially if the patient is taking medication for their diabetes it makes managing the condition more complicated and dangerous because the carb intake would not resemble their normal diet. Overall, the goal with managing diabetes is to keep blood sugar levels in a safe range. High blood sugars can cause complications such as infections, but on the other hand low blood sugars which can result from strictly limiting sugar in one’s diet can be acutely life-threatening for those with type 2 diabetes if not properly treated.
2021-04-17 2:23 pm
Bitter tea, fish oil, cucumber. Insya Allah help. Allahu akbar ! Viva Indonesia !
2021-04-12 6:06 pm
You can use this product for type 2 diabetes
Ceracare: Type 2 Diabetes & Blood Sugar Support
It has worked wonders for men and women in their 30s, 40, 50s and even 70s. Because it was engineered based on teachings from one of the longest living doctors in the world, Ceracare formula is very gentle yet very powerful at the same time.
2021-04-12 4:29 pm
Diabetes mellitus is a lifestyle disease; it is a condition that prevents your body from properly using the energy from the food you eat. And because we all eat several times a day, all diabetic patients are stressed about taking appropriate insulin shots or diabetes pills. This in itself increases stress levels for some. Some will tell you that diabetes is like a best friend who will be with you till your grave. But research has shown that diabetes is reversible. Dr. Neal D Barnard’s groundbreaking clinical studies show that diabetes can be reversed or dramatically reduce the reliance on medication by helping repair how the body uses insulin.

This program is based on three pillars; diet, exercise & meditation. In this program, we not only explain the deeper causes of diabetes but go deeper into the root causes. Diabetes reversal is possible if you irradiate diabetic causes from the root. This program is based on research over several decades performed over people of different ethnic backgrounds around the world by various doctors. A similar program like this has already cured thousands of people across the globe. You could be next to reverse your diabetes.
Dr. Barnard’s program has proved a new dietary approach to preventing, controlling, and even reversing diabetes does work. Dr. Joel Fuhrman has also shown that preventing, improving, or even reversing type 2 diabetes is entirely possible. Dr. Gabriel Cousins has used spiritual healing in his holistic medical practice. These researchers, doctors, and many others, together have proven over and over again that diet, exercise and meditation can reverse diabetes. Dr. Pramod Tripathi has taken these learnings and helped thousands of diabetic patients in India as well. He has helped 1000+ patients get off of insulin, and 5000+ patients get off of tablets.
Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. To tackle any disease, you have to attack the root because of it, and with diabetes being a lifestyle disease it is imperative that we attack it with basic tenants of life - proper diet, appropriate exercise, and mindful meditation.
Diabetes Free Life is a non-profit organization formed with the sole purpose of promoting awareness on how to reverse diabetes. We aim to provide easy-to-follow and practical guidance to as many diabetic patients as possible. The three-stage program is based on a series of research by Dr. Barnard, Dr. Fuhrman, Dr. Cousens, and advice from Dr. Tripathi.
Participants of this program may see significant improvement with their blood sugar management as well as improved general health by losing weight and also lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
2021-04-09 4:54 pm
Diabetes is not usually reversed unless the cause is morbid obesity.   My sister went from 750 pounds to 350 and is no longer diabetic.

Our neighbor also lost 200 plus pounds a sped his blood sugars are now normal,

I’m not dure if street drugs, smoking or alcohol affect diabetes.
2021-04-09 7:10 pm
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收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:48:43
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