What's your stance on people who commit suicide?

2021-04-09 1:02 pm

回答 (12)

2021-04-10 1:08 pm
Mine has changed over the years. Its a sad failure of society to allow another human being to spiral down so far without intervening. And if no one saw the signs, its a failure to educate society on what those signs are.

@Gerik, I disagree with your answer 500%.. It does not take balls to help someone kill themselves. Its just the opposite...  
2021-04-10 3:57 am
They should have gotten the help they needed and deserved.
2021-04-09 10:17 pm
I  guess it depends on the reason why they committed suicide
2021-04-09 7:10 pm
Not against them.  Understand that it can be too hard.
But life is a one time thing so I think some could be avoided.
2021-04-09 4:25 pm
My stance would totally depend on the reason they did it.
2021-04-09 2:46 pm
It's a personal choice. But it does harm all who care about the person.
2021-04-09 1:08 pm
Society is at fault. People are cruel. 
2021-04-10 1:11 am
Mental health is important. 9 times out of 10 suicide is over easily solvable problems. As for people suffering with debilitating chronic pain, by all means have at it. 
2021-04-11 9:44 am
Some have philosophical reasons which are completely valid and others do it for psychological reasons where their situation sucks and they might have been helped. But human beings dont need to be here anyway really. Im for people growing some balls AND brains and becoming activists for a liberal Right to Die. From buying failsafe kits on ebay to going to the euthanasia clinic.
HA! So Kevorkian was a wimp?
2021-04-10 3:35 am
I actually see nothing wrong with it.
I had at least 5 friends commit it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:56:02
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