Which is better? Friends or Seinfeld ?

2021-04-09 9:05 am

回答 (10)

2021-04-09 9:42 am
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Seinfeld. I saw four minutes of Friends when it started, and that was enough for me. 
2021-04-09 12:33 pm
  Seinfeld because they always make me laugh .Friends.....yawn . 
2021-04-09 9:06 am
Seinfeld, but I did like the early seasons of Friends.
2021-04-11 4:23 am
Friends is just a bland chick show.Seinfeld is clever and funny.
2021-04-14 9:50 pm
Seinfeld, and it's not even close.
2021-04-14 2:05 pm
Seinfeld, but I like both shows.
2021-04-13 11:34 am
seinfeld. better show then friends
2021-04-12 10:11 pm
Seinfeld by far, especially when Friends annoyed the hell out of people with all that Ross & Rachel BS.
2021-04-16 5:58 pm
Neither.... I hate both shows
2021-04-09 9:12 am
Neither are too great.

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