How to handle anxiety ?

2021-04-09 7:33 am
Hi, I’m here to ask one question because I want to know. So I have mild anxiety, I never really get panic attacks, my anxiety flares up mostly at night time because ten years ago I had my first panic attack in my sleep and ever since I’ve been messed up diagnosed with mild depression and anxiety. Long story short, recently I’ve been having issues driving over bridges with water or higher than normal bridges or long ones. Reason why is not because it’s water, or whatever , reason why is because I’m afraid I’ll get an anxiety attack and drive off and kill myself and my family. I’m afraid of dying and I’m afraid at the panic attack moment my brain will make that decision just so it doesn’t have to panic. Never happened before but I always get anxious driving over bridges. Is this normal? Like can you reassure me that I actually won’t drive off the bridge even with high anxiety during that 15-20 seconds? Also same goes with elevators and planes, I get scared of getting a panic attack because I have no way out if I do and I’m afraid of doing something bad even tho I never did. I think in a way I have agoraphobia. Help me answer this question so I can be peaceful? Btw I’m 28 and a male and don’t want to spend rest of my life worrying about this ****.

回答 (10)

2021-04-09 11:41 pm
The fear of losing control is very common with people who have panic disorder. The thing is, say the experts, these are the people who are the least likely to lose control. They are rigid in their self-control. I used to hate driving over really big bridges. I knew I was safe but something in the back of my mind told me I wasn't. I've gotten used to them. My strategy was to drive just slightly under the speed limit, keep both hands on the wheel, and concentrate on keeping exactly in my lane. Soothing music can help.

Since then, I've found that a very simple way to stay calm in a stressful situation is just to breathe slowly, and I'll say more about that.

Basically, therapy for phobias, explained in The Feeling Good Handbook by psychiatrist David Burns, is making a list of situations, ranking them according to how scary you find them, and using that ranked list as your objectives. Imagining a situation can be an objective. Start with something really, really easy.

The thing to remember is never go from objective A to objective B until you feel completely confident with A. Things that give you confidence are experience and slow breathing. There's enormous laboratory and clinical evidence that slow breathing is effective for calming people down quickly.

Two psychiatrists, Brown and Gerbarg, say a 10 or 20 min slow breathing exercise - 5 breaths a min - is good and 20 min twice a day is a therapy for anxiety. The exercise is inhale and exhale gently, 6 seconds each. In the video that's included in this answer with anxiety info, details about how amazing therapeutic breathing is.
2021-04-09 11:01 pm
2021-04-09 9:59 am
Be anxious for nothing but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.  Refer to Philippians 4:6-8.  In fact, read the entire New Testament.  Start with the Gospel of John.  God can give you peace, comfort and joy, as well as assurance of a home in heaven if you ask Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Savior.   
2021-04-11 10:47 pm
Hey, there is a forum (I know that YA is going to shut down) for anxiety/ mental health come check it out :)
2021-04-11 6:13 pm
B-Vitamins will help.
try this
2021-04-11 10:34 am
Eat only whole foods and drink only water, unsweetened teas and unflavored milk. 

Exercise or get physical activity regularly,  at least 30min a day,  but an hour of activity will be much better for you. 

This alone will effectively treat most current anxiety disorders.   It will be tremendous coupled with therapy and/or medication, depending on the severity of the disorder should the above not erase it.

Anxiety is nowadays mostly environmental and therefore quite easily treated.  Of course there are more organic disorders like OCD, but most everything now is due to added components to life.
2021-04-11 6:04 am
B-Vitamins will help
stop all grains and dairy products 
2021-04-11 2:41 am
Drawing, painting, knitting, yoga, lavender/eucalyptus oils, and therapy. Get better
2021-04-09 8:19 am
I have had panic attacks for a long time and I get you. You fear it happening in a place where you won't be able to deal with it and you'll do something crazy. Try not to worry about it till you actually have to do whatever it is you fear. I know this is easier said than done. And practice what you will do if it does happen. Try to zone out and think of nothing and take deep breaths. Sometimes I even tell myself I'm not allowed to freak out until I get out of the situation that is causing me anxiety, and when I do get out of it I don't. I know that sounds weird, but it works for me. Agoraphobia IS the fear of having a panic attack somewhere where you won't be able to handle it, although technically it means "fear of the marketplace." If you have meds make use of them. You're going to be alright.
2021-04-10 8:30 am
easy just don't get anxious .

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