Yahoo網頁看到Whatever is has every reason for being. 存在的東西總有其存在的理由。這句Whatever is看成主詞用?

2021-04-08 5:20 pm

回答 (1)

2021-04-09 12:19 pm
Referring to the book recommended by kuangkwo,by TW Chen's the heart of grammar,you must study the book containing the rules of grammar of a language.If you don't like others to help, but stick with the fixed answer, then remain your fixed answer !
Existence is the state of existing.
hence, be, have been,be real vi are coming into existence,n.
Whatever it is-----noun cl as S
can have------v+BE
every reason for being------subject complement
Thanks for the compliment, an expression of praise, admiration, respect.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:40:05
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