What does Aliens abduct people for?

2021-04-08 12:05 pm
I have watched UFOs and people think they are being abducted by aliens. Do you know why aliens was doing something to those people laying on the table in a room?

回答 (13)

2021-04-08 4:52 pm
Let's face it, we would do the same thing to gain knowledge at least about the alien race we found. We have actually done it if you watch the Alien autopsy film. It is also rumoured that they may be having fertility problems. That being the case, they may wish to use our cells to breed from us. They don't have to actually make people who are half and half, they can get their own race from a human egg. They add their own cells slowly whilst destroying human cells in the egg. I saw this before but not sure what creature it was, possibly a hen egg with duck cells slowly added. 

Eventually, a full duck emerges from the hen egg. As nine lives said, It is also rumoured that the powers that be are turning a blind eye to abductions in return for technology. I was watching one guy on youtube a bit of a high up in the military and he says that we now have just about everything. Free power and all kinds of technology but we can't use it or it will cause severe problems throughout the world. All the petroleum companies and power suppliers will go bust immediately. Free power but nothing on the table to eat for all these guys and that is just the start.

EDIT! The TD's are from NG, a person who acts like a woman scorned yet complains if you mention his femininity??? He still hasn't figured out why. Bless his little heart.
2021-04-08 9:59 pm
Biological studies and spare parts.👽
2021-04-08 9:25 pm
Aliens does it because they like to. We does the same thing to fish and other animals.
2021-04-15 8:51 am
An interesting theory has been put forth by an American professor:   another species is taking control of our planet very slowly:  "Walking among Us," by Dr. David Jacobs;
a similar theory is given in "The Soulless One."  Both are good reads.
2021-04-11 9:48 pm
Though there is no concrete evidence of alien abductions the prevailing theories have it that if any such intelligent life were to be able to travel here and abduct humans, it would be for observation and research purposes.  
2021-04-09 9:19 am
sorry never met an alien before but i will ask them if i meet them ..By the way what do they look like .
2021-04-08 12:21 pm
Alien abduct people to collect fresh dna sample for experimenting. They can grow people, Lab Rat!
2021-04-09 2:00 am
It was just making it absolutely ******* IMPOSSIBLE for me to move. And there was this i dunno how the **** to put it in words the closest word would be” aura” coming from it and all the buzzing **** off will ya I wasn't buzzed and raped by a ******* dude. Don't comment on if you're not sober. I never took my clothes off how the **** could they be looking for it.

I kind of wish you'd experience it.
2021-04-08 12:46 pm
People may think that they are being abducted by aliens but people dream and imagine and some of them tell outright lies. There is no good evidence that anyone has ever really encountered an alien or even that any have come to Earth. UFO stands for unidentified flying object, not for a bunch of dudes visiting from another planet. 
2021-04-14 7:25 pm
It's all false, the supposed Aliens are Mutant Demon Spirits, even though they have limited power, they CANNOT abduct any human person.

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