
2021-04-08 11:34 am

回答 (1)

2021-04-10 2:16 pm
The song should be sung by the actress Little Red Riding Hood with the words herself from the following good song before closing down curtain stage on Yahoo+..You can produce Music.It should be a drama play with songs and often dances.It is a rather musical way of singing by the actress Red-Riding Hood on stage.Hence you are producing music now!
------The song of Yahoo Little Red Riding Hood-------
Bye from Mom and her food in cage,
The riding sing and ride fast;
And home and town and cottage
Have heard her birds blast.
Shame on the cunning wolfpack-hood
Who behaves in grandma's home,
When Brother Grimm+Hood
Are on singing march for home-Rome.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:36:54
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