Is the third date too soon to give oral sex? ?

2021-04-08 1:25 am
Last night i went home for the first time with a guy i had gone on three dates with (last night being the third). I gave him oral after a few drinks at his place, but that was it. we did not have actual sex. was it too soon for this?? i usually wait longer, but i really like him. Will he look at me any differently or will he not care to get to know me now?? I am 20 if it matters and he's a bit older than me. 

回答 (51)

2021-04-08 1:42 am
It's ALWAYS a good time for oral sex, IMHO.
2021-04-09 4:30 am
There was a day when a ******* from a respectable woman had the currency equivalent of a Corvette. You would'nt just give a guy a 'Vette for going out 3 times, would you? Today they are worth about as much as those Bird scooters you see discarded everywhere. Yay for empowerment, ladies.
2021-04-09 4:53 pm
There’s no rule on how many dates you have for sex. 
2021-04-08 11:53 pm
If it turned you doing it, then that's all that matters, it turns me on going down on a girl. Don't think about it too much just get on with it, life's too short.
2021-04-11 3:01 am
You should try to understand him first. Find out first, is he wants or feels you, like as you feel him.
2021-04-11 2:51 am
Oral sex is actual sex. You’re an idiot, if not a troll.  
2021-04-10 10:19 pm
To each their own but personally I wouldn't say it's too soon at all.

Because whether they admit it or not people typically date by the "Three" rule anyway..

When sex isn't forthcoming or at least discussed as a possibility by the conclusion of the 'third' date
then it no-less typically reduces the odds of a Fourth one.

these days,
many if not most don't take 'Oral' much more seriously than a type of heavy petting or just part of the fourplay. .
2021-04-10 8:31 pm
What kind of person only gives oral sex, why not just do the entire thing.
2021-04-10 10:41 am
Yes. Jesus will send you to hell for your sins young lady.Please reconsider so he may forgive you. God bless.!

-Gary Oldman
2021-04-10 8:35 am
i dont really understand girls why you want have sex with somebody if they just somebody you just started dating with them. and plus you shouldnt have sex with anyone right now because you may be doesnt know this but covid 19 virus can spread virus to yourself and to other people if you are not tested yet and if you havent had the vaccines  shot  that you suppose be getting right now should be worried about that instead of thinking about having sex with someone who hasnt tested yet. you need to be carefully  if you dont becareful  you will be the one be caught getting it not only that being infected with covid 19  . doing giving ******** or giving oral sex with men then you can be caughting herpes and STD   or AIDS  not really bad if you doing some thing you shouldnt be doing . you are not being smart ! 
plus alot of guys on first date usually dont ask for oral sex on first date. you should worried about your healthy issue and because you never know this but alot of guys dont clean and wash down there when they go use the restroom. gross. Anyhow you should be worried about how many partners he had been with and you also should always give any men respects . dont push or rush them . by way you dont  want to end up being infected with diseases out there because if you end up caught any those type of diseases  . there no cure medical for STD and as for Herps there aren't no pills or shots for that neither. herps disease dont go away spread all over your body include your private part and can spread faster  to other people and for AIDS is bad disease there no drugs or medicine for that neither only everyday have to give needles shots to help the pains that it dont live longer forever. you die early few years . 

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:39:21
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