Seniors, do you worry about how you will take care of yourself as you get older?

2021-04-07 10:31 pm
 I sure do. I have no one, and I haven’t got the money to pay someone. I am lower, middle class so I don’t qualify for Medicaid, so I live in fear of what I’m going to do. I have a feeling I will die alone in my house & it will be a long time before anyone finds me. I have no one who cares or who checks up on me. 

回答 (21)

2021-04-08 8:48 am
yes i worry about it, as i'm getting older and there is no one who will survive me, i only have my elderly parents to look out for me and they are getting on now.  i hope god looks after you and i wish you the best from afar.
2021-04-09 10:51 pm
I feel your pain.
The way I deal with it is by not worrying about it. 

When I was 20 a doctor once told me that when I solve something by worrying, let him know and he will start worrying. 
What he told me has stuck with me for over 50 years. 
參考: I also thank Doris Day. Que sara sara, what will be will be.
2021-04-07 10:45 pm
Sad trump will have karma hit them really bad. This idiot is a big reason why yahoo is shutting down. Sad trump will be lucky if they ever get to be a senior. How sad they would hang out on a senior site to make stupid comments. I will pray now karma gets this fool with a vengeance. 
2021-04-09 11:12 pm
I'm a little concerned that dying might be unpleasant, but then so is life with all my chronic issues, so I'm used to that.
I'm not implying I don't enjoy life - I really do.  But then, I expect to enjoy death too, at the very least it will be interesting!
2021-04-08 6:35 am
My wife has standing orders that once I cannot take care of myself, and I am too taxing on her, that she will drive me to the horse track and leave me there to fend for myself. 
2021-04-08 7:39 pm
Financially, I just cope without having to ask family for help.  Practically all of our children would help in whatever was necessary and when necessary but it's nice to be able to do as much for ourselves as we can and for as long as we can.  My mother had to have absolutely everything done for her and it was so upsetting and degrading for her.

One day a male carer turned up to get her out of bed etc.  He helped her strip totally naked, sat her on a stool in the bathroom and washed her all over with a flannel.  Up to that point I thought that all her carers were female - I didn't live close to her so was rather out of touch with reality.  I put in a complaint but it made no difference 'because of the equality laws people had fought hard for'.  No-one uses common sense where laws are concerned - she became a victim of the system.

I hope that nothing like that happens to me in a few years time. 
2021-04-11 8:48 am
I certainly do, but I try to keep a positive attitude most of the time.
2021-04-08 7:13 pm
Actually I didn't think yet about it beause I am too young.
2021-04-07 10:42 pm
No, I have kids that will take careof me. 
2021-04-09 4:21 am

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