Why is Yahoo! going to do away with "Answer"?

2021-04-07 10:05 pm
It does not make enough money for the Yahoo! company?
I hear that everything on Yahoo! answers will eventually just be obliterated from the internet and never accessible again ever. Just deleted.  It seems to me that Yahoo!  should arrange to have an archive of their internet content in some way.
It is a matter of historical record.  I actually save some content from my questions and answers by  cutting and pasting them on a word document and even though the formatting may be a bit odd,  I have a record or my questions and answers and those of others that I find interesting.  It seems that someday in the future, maybe distant maybe relatively near future,  there will be a need to know how the internet was in it's "infancy."  It is also a record of how people communicated with each other and what they said to each other for better or worse. There is high historical content here.  It is hard to believe that when certain sites shut down  the content is somehow erased forever rather than saved in some way and with  the vastness of virtual space  there should be a way. 

回答 (8)

2021-04-07 11:23 pm
For the umpteenth time: Because Verizon Media is choosing to shut it down (just as they did Yahoo Messenger and Yahoo Groups). No specific explanation was given, but considering the significant decline in quality of content on the site versus the cost of cleaning it up and keeping it running, it's not a surprise (a disappointment, but not a surprise). Do you really think this question hasn’t been asked dozens of times already? One need only review the question list to find the responses.
2021-04-08 4:34 pm
Why they are deleting everything is probably to free up all of that server space. As mentioned before you can go to internet archive, the wayback machine, and a lot of it is already saved.
2021-04-08 3:40 am
Yahoo Answers has not been doing well Lately a lot of Users have Left Poor Maintenance of the
Site they have not Fixed a lot of the Problems they are Likely Losing Money on it as well so
They feel its Best to Close it Down If there not going to Fix it they minus as well Close it
2021-04-07 11:54 pm
The site will be archived by people who do this regularly, like many others that have shut down, but who's really going to want to read it when no participation is possible?

Yes, the archive may well be of interest to future students of the Internet or even historians like me, which is why such archives should be made, but there's going to be so much preserved that the chances something like YA would prove to be of real historical value are low.  Frankly, it's been mostly just drivel.  There will be much more useful and informative material in the Internet archives.
2021-04-07 10:27 pm
It means that now, instead of constantly spamming about color changes you will be spamming mindless drivel to prove that you are incapable of coping without this site.   Get a twitch channel so we can watch the steady loss of what little sanity you have left so we can get some entertainment from watching your ongoing degeneration.  Be sure to look up the words I used that you don't understand this time instead of making childish assumptions like always.
2021-04-07 10:09 pm
There's a site called archive.org, one of its services is saving snapshots of entire websites to be viewed later. I'm sure many people will have the same idea and save yahoo Answers once it becomes read only. So it won't be lost forever, it'll be frozen in time on archive.org, and other sites that have similar services. 
2021-04-07 10:13 pm
I don't know how much data storage and pages it will take. Its taking too much of resource. But still its worth saving. 
2021-04-07 10:05 pm
Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and beginning April 20th, 2021 (Eastern Time) the Yahoo Answers website will be in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:39:00
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