Were you poorly after your Covid jab? ?

2021-04-07 9:12 pm
I have my Covid jab in the morning, I’m worried about how I may feel afterwards and looking after my children...... I’m 30 female, generally fit and well. How was everyone else after their Covid jab? 

回答 (8)

2021-04-07 9:29 pm
Most people have minor side effects after the first Pfizer or Moderna  shot. Basically a sore arm at the injection site. Some people might have a headache or a fever. If you’ve had covid before, you might experience more severe symptoms like fatigue, headache, chills, fever. 

Fewer people had side effects from the J&J shot. It’s mostly a sore arm. 

The second shot is what you have to worry about but it’s only 1 or 2 days. Most of us that got the Pfizer got chills, headaches. People that got the Moderna got a fever and fatigue. Moderna people seems to be worse off than the Pfizer people. 
2021-04-08 12:49 am
You're in the UK, right? We don't say "jab" in the US. I don't know which vaccine you're getting. After the first shot of Moderna and Pfizer, most people had an itchy spot on their arm. Some people had a slightly sore arm for a few days- like a sore muscle after a workout. After the second shot, some of us had 24 hours of muscle aches and feverish feelings. I found warm baths and aspirin helped. If you have young children, it would be a good idea to have someone help after the second shot, since you might want to just stay in bed. It was well worth the freedom I have now to go to stores and even restaurants without being afraid of catching the virus. 
2021-04-07 10:39 pm
I had the Pfizer, and nothing, a little tender arm, my husband was the same.
2021-04-07 11:02 pm
It varies. I felt a tiny bit achy after my first shot and had no reaction after the second. Other people had pain, fever, or swelling. Most people are more like me. Get the shot; it's worth it.
2021-04-08 11:42 am
didnt get the stimulous check still so YEAH 
2021-04-07 9:45 pm
No problems at all.
2021-04-11 6:00 am
Welcome to Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
2021-04-07 11:48 pm
It varies widely and no one can predict what you'll feel. I had quite a few after-effects, but it really was no worse than being down with the flu,.. ie; I wasn't seriously ill, just felt like crap for a few days.

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