President Trump Was Right: Forensic Investigation Reveals Dominion Voting Machines Were Rigged?

2021-04-07 8:31 am
President Donald Trump was right in saying that the elections was rigged as forensic investigation reveal the Dominion Voting Machines had the ability to change 68.05% of votes.


回答 (66)

2021-04-08 3:45 am
Wise of you to post this anonymously, since Dominion is suing promoters of this lie for $1.2 billion each.  But you might qualify for a job in Kaliningrad.
2021-04-07 8:54 am
More delusion BS from Trumplandia. Give it a rest and get a life.
2021-04-07 8:52 am
No such lie
2021-04-08 4:00 am
This question lost credibility by saying 45 was right. Stating this means the question is automatically going to be bs.
2021-04-08 4:14 am
It's not as incredible as your indelible level of stupidity! You forgot to include the forensic investigation sources and the location of the claims which you did not mention! In other words its the same tripe hiders like you spew on a regular basis! Fact is your butt buddy hero is no longer president and the opposition got 7,000,000 more votes than your hero did! Get over it! His exodus is ACCOMPLISHED!
2021-04-09 7:50 am
And yet you don't provide any of this "proof" to back up your claim. Because it doesn't exist.
2021-04-08 9:30 pm
Source? You need to give the source of this information to confirm it isn't all lies.
Apparently Dominion is suing people like you, saying these lies for 1.2 billion dollars.
2021-04-09 11:29 am
Only people too retarded to think for themselves believe that. 

AKA Trumpers. The biggest ******* losers in America. 
2021-04-09 1:28 pm
Do you use your lips more or your tongue?  I’m just trying to decide how good it’s going to feel when I let you blow me...

2021-04-11 11:06 pm
who did this "forensic investigation?"  Someone who's NOT being sued for $1.3 BILLION?   Was it Captain Kangaroo?  Or Pee Wee Herman?  (the captain died, you know)  Must have been Pee Wee.   What's the deal?  The machines could NOT switch all the votes?  Why?  You need to delete this "question" unless YOU PERSONALLY have proof b/c Dominion IS suing liars!!!

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:38:51
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