
2021-04-07 6:45 am


回答 (1)

2021-04-08 9:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
A business-related context must be created here.
Must be a five-person dialogue
About 8 minutes
The number of sentences for 5 people must be averaged here in the responses.
A=manager of firm
D=female clerk
E=financial clerk.
A:-Buz meeting now.
B:-The trade with mainland China
C:-Should do much with them
D:-Yes ,should try trick them much Buz.
E:-Set up in much profit
A:-Are you all set up?
B:-China likes our Pineapple-cake sp.
C:-I had experience with them
D:-We need a Buz lawyer
E:-I work on our own account
A:-I need to employ more staff?!
B:-Advertised already,Sir.
C:-What purpose is the Pineapple cake sp?
D:-Food&Beverages,gift&pleasure  for the pleasure to do business-like China ! etc..
E:-I've addresses of their shops,offices, trading centers on my account.
A:-We've 2 different Buz--the smuggle of SIM card insider.
B:-Will undertake the trade thru customs.
C:-Should not be trouble if co-operate with D&E?
D:-No trouble,We've done before luckily across a frontier.
E:-Make sure they pay promptly.
A:-Send the earnest lawyer away , right?
B:-If interefere, and take secretly by secretary?!
C+D:-This simcard article are easy matter for the money-earning activity.
D:-I am happy of the whole affair.from female point in defiance of rules and regulations.
E:-I interpret it a financial success for smuggler.
A:-The meeting is adjourned until the Buz success following the proceeding(for a time).
Thanks for the compliment, an expression of praise, admiration and respect.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:35:28
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