What is Yahoo afraid of?

2021-04-07 6:10 am
First they disable comments on news.  Now they're shuttering Answers to "promote a healthier platform for social commentary" AKA First Amendment suppression! Is Yahoo afraid people will see the TRUTH instead of the lies their Deep State backers them to feed us?

回答 (10)

2021-04-07 6:46 am
The media can no longer make money providing a platform where people can speak freely, especially when many of them are criticizing that same media.  It's cheaper just to tell them what to think.
2021-04-07 9:16 pm
Insults, rudeness, selfishness, dishonesty etc. all contributed to how a 'self-regulated' forum experiment didn't work f/ far too many violations. I used to answer how it was my duty to report the violations. Some people thought the reporting was uncalled for. Well, none of it will matter shortly. Words matter ... consequences occur. Decency is supposed to win the day. Indecency chases people away.
2021-04-07 10:27 am
A lack of corporate profit.
2021-04-07 6:13 am
You’re paranoid and paralysed and therefore very easy to control. Wake up you useless turd
2021-04-08 11:06 am
So called DEEP  STATE  is a figment of paranoid conservatives mind
Conservatives continue to post lies
Thats why Yahooanswers is shutting down
2021-04-07 7:15 am
They can't control you having a different point of view so they will control what you see.
2021-04-08 4:37 am
They don't like when people post Truthful information that Proves the Media outlest are just pushing Propaganda  on the SHEEPLE !

For example the Stolen Election ! Regardless of what the Media has ASURED you, here are VERY SIMPLE Truthful Realities of the Facts !!!!

We could ABSOLUTLY, 100% Verify if the 6 Contested Swing States  had a Legitamate/Legal/Honest/ Will of the People Vote "OR" if the Votes were Changed and Fraudulent !!!!

Just go to each State get the List of LEGAL US VOTERS, and have a Verified Re-Election Vote !!!!
We will see "IF" :
1) The Vote tally is basically the Same. Then Trump lost and is a poor Sport!
2) The Vote tally has 10's of Thousands more Votes for Trump and less for Biden.
and there was a COUP committed against America (By the DEMS, China&Iran)

Also Remeber these FACTS OF REALITY !!!!:

Trump did not create the footage of the Poll workers rescan batches of Ballots >4 times (Illegal Fraud) !

Trump DID NOT print the Ballots that did not have that Barcode that allowed signature verification !

Trump DID NOT Shred the Cobb County GA. Mail in Ballots that BY LAW must be held for 24 Months ! (Federal Crime)

Trump did Not create the Voting Machines that allow poll workers to change votes, or that have algorithms to allow the software to change votes (Fraud) !

Trump did not make the voting machines to connect to the internet when that is a Crime !

Trump did not raise people from the dead and make them vote for Biden !

Trump did not make >110% of Registered Voters Vote in some of the contested States !

Trump did not give Sharpies to the AZ. Voters, because the Sharpies can not be scanned !

Trump did not Force AZ’s Clint Hickman to illegally Store Ballots in his Barn, then caught it on fire!

Trump did not send Voter Data overseas where other nations changed votes !

Trump DID NOT make the Secretary of State Change the Voting Laws, when the Constitution States that Only the State Legislator can do that (Federal Crime )
2021-04-12 12:13 am
Virginia Wolff.
2021-04-10 5:14 am
That is exactly what they are afraid of, the free access to the internet where one can "freely" speak their minds. They will soon only post that which suites "their" agenda.
2021-04-10 3:02 am
You might actually want to read the First Amendment.  The First Amendment imposes limitations on Congress.  Last that I  heard, Yahoo was not Congress.

Yahoo is not required to provide any particular service.  If it thinks that the comment section is interfering with the services that it wants to provide, then it can disable comments.  If Yahoo Answers is not getting enough hits to bring people to Yahoo, it can opt to stop having a Yahoo Answers service.  

But the far-right nattering nabobs of negativism seem to support capitalism except when capitalism leads to results that they don't like.  You would almost think that they would prefer to live in Russia.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:40:31
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