Do I really want to sit here with you all day?

2021-04-07 6:09 am
My wife has this thing to where once she gets off work she likes to sit on the sofa and watch TV until time to go to bed.  But the problem with that is that she expects me to want to do the same thing.  We're both working from home and she gets off before me so from the time she gets off until the time I get off she is constantly walking in the room trying to talk to me.  Well, now that the weather is getting warmer I don't wan to just sit here.  I want to go to the store, go see my parents, and grandkids.  Things she doesn't want to do.  I recently re-set up our fish tank and I've been going back and forth to the store for things I forget.  So I told her that I needed to run to PetSmart for a part for our pump.  My daughter came over and asked me to meet her at Walmart later because she was buying a larger TV and it wouldn't fit in her car so she needs me to put it in my SUV and take to her place.  Chances are I'm going to have to set it up for her as well.  Yesterday when I got off work I ran to the store to get something for dinner.  So when I told her I had a few errands to run she seemed to get a little annoyed.  She made the comment, "you sure do have a lot of places to go."  Yep, I do not want to stay cooped up in the house all day.  Last week she broke a tooth eating some cereal and has to get a root canal later this week.  She expects me to stay home with her and baby her because she's in some pain and discomfort.  

I love my wife but I do not want to sit here with her ALL DAY LONG.  She's not the type to just get out and drive or go get some fresh air where as I am.  When I told her "yes, I have errands to run and I will run them whether you like them or not" she wasn't too happy with that.  She then grabber her keys and left the house.  I guess she was trying to teach me a lesson.  Apparently her tooth doesn't hurt that much.  Do you expect your spouse to only want to be with you all day long?

回答 (1)

2021-04-07 7:05 am
I was married to a man like that for 20 years. He would sit and watch TV for hours at a time and expect me to do the same. If I picked up a book and started to read, he complained. If I talked on the phone, he complained. He needed my presence there 100% of the time and it drove me nuts.  We ultimately divorced (he was a cheater) and I married a man who encourages me to be myself, do what I love and make my own happiness. It's awesome.
Tell your wife that SHE is responsible for her happiness, not you. Remind her that if she's only happy when you're sitting next to her, YOU will be miserable. Let her know that you're not willing to sacrifice your happiness to sit on a sofa all day.It's not going to be easy and she will complain. Get out and do things. Invite her and encourage her to go with you. If she doesn't want to go, that's on her. But keep reminding her that it's not your job to make her happy any more than it's her job to make you happy. Those things just happen with you're with a good match.
Good luck, I hope she comes around and becomes a participating partner in the marriage.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:40:05
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