Does anyone in Senior Citizens  remember the guy   "Just the facts, Carnac"?

2021-04-07 3:32 am
He was very clever.  I wonder what happened to him.  

Anonymous:  I hope you are not serious.  How long ago was the post? 


CARNAC, Thank you for your kind words but  I am not much of a conservative anymore.  I even changed my voting affiliation to "no party preference" since I now think both parties are way off the mark.  I'm glad you aren't dead as someone else said.  God bless you, old friend.


I  remember Handyman (Lisa Simpson) and the Old Dog too!   And I also had an account deleted by reporter trolls a few years back and came back under another name for a while. Lotta water under the bridge, as they say.  ( : 

回答 (8)

2021-04-07 9:56 pm
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Yes I do remember the name of that user.  A lot of the users who used to frequent this category are not longer here, by that I mean they have left the site all together. Do not know if they have died, or just got fed up with this site, as I has gone downhill a lot these last few years.
I like to think that they are still around and just not spending time in the Senior Citizens category or this site anymore.
2021-04-10 2:57 am
HEY, LYNN-MARIE! What an amazing coincidence! I heard that YahooAnswers was shutting down for good in a few weeks, so I thought I would look in on the site one last time. (I haven't even lurked here for YEARS.) And what do I find? A question about ME! And a FLATTERING one too! And it's from YOU! You were always my favorite contributor. (Also I liked Conan the Old Dog. And that lady up in Michigan who was always very smart and funny and I think was on the leader board. She was a major contributor for YEARS. Can't believe I'm having trouble remembering her name. Her favorite character from pop culture was "Lisa" on "The Simpsons," and I think her screen name had something to do with that. But I have a vague memory that she used a man's name for comic effect.... Wait! I've got it!... She called herself "HANDYMAN." Anyway, I hope she is alright. Though she stopped posting one day with no explanation, and I fear the worst.

The reason that I stopped posting was simply that my YahooAnswers account was CANCELLED by some anonymous, shifty, treacherous, policially-correct "woke" leftist Nazis. The ones that have basically taken over America in the past several years and are doing their best to destroy this country and the world. (I'm using a new account to write this message.) I owe you an apology for making fun (I hope gently) of your Conservative beliefs way back then. You were RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING, LisaMarie! And I was wrong. I have now become as Conservative as you are! (e.g. big fan of Ted Cruz.) How about that!
I'm very glad to hear that you are going strong. And seeing myself mentioned one last time on this site certainly makes my day!
I will miss you. You're an angel! Take care of yourself.
Your fan,
2021-04-07 10:47 pm
Yes, that guy was a alcoholic, he was very sarcastic, mean and rude to a lot of folks on here. Glad he is gone as he was worthless.  
2021-04-08 7:01 pm
I do remember seeing that name but cannot remember anything about him in detail. I'm just assuming that the person was male - I could be wrong.
2021-04-09 9:12 pm
I do remember him and for a while enjoyed his humor until he started getting political and sarcastic. Then he either changed his name or dropped out completely. I really don't miss him.
2021-04-07 6:39 am
I remember reading his farewell post awhile back.  Then someone commented saying that he had committed suicide.
2021-04-20 7:35 am
I do , he was a really exceptionally good answerer here on answers. But he was always getting flack for some reason. I think others were jealous because he did such a great job of answering. !!!  i hope he is happy and healthy where he is . Carnac .....LIFE IS GOOD and don't you forget it !!!
2021-04-08 9:45 pm
I remember seeing that name but do not recall what categories he used but am guessing that it would have been senior citizens more than anything else as that is the one I use mainly.

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