My son was excluded from school?

2021-04-06 8:07 pm
My son has been excluded from school for punching someone in the face. When I were called in to school because of it the head teacher dismissed his side of the story telling him he did not want to hear it. He told me when he got home that although it was him who was caught the person he punched was the one who escalated the fight between the two of them. However, he told me he punched the person in the face because he laughed at his dads recent death. Whilst I am extremely disappointed in my son, I do feel that this should be reported as well. My son has been excluded once before. What do you think I should do?

I have been more lenient towards him as we are going through a really hard time at the moment however, I will still be punishing him as I see fit. 


I realise it doesn't justify him punching anyone in the face but I feel the school should hear both sides of the argument.

回答 (2)

2021-04-15 12:53 am
It's ALWAYS the one who DIDN'T start it that gets caught.

But physical violence is NEVER allowed and if the parents file a police report, they can sue you for assault and battery to the tune of millions so you better get him under control.
2021-04-06 8:12 pm
You can report it if you want, but I don't think it will do much good.  As hurtful as the words said were, you can't punch someone just because you don't like what was said no matter how despicable.  You can't stop the school from punishing him, but if it were my son, I wouldn't punish him for it and would say that despite being proud of him for sticking up for someone else, you can't put your hands on somebody for saying something you don't like

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:38:42
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