Wow!!! I haven't been on here in forever.?

2021-04-06 1:22 pm
The news still breaks my heart. 

What happened?

回答 (5)

2021-04-06 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It does the same to me, I pop in every now and then 
but most of the questions are crap.
2021-04-08 9:50 am
I'm in agreement,   it's nothing from it's heyday,  but I enjoyed popping in every now and then.  Might start a Facebook group based on this forum?   Could it work?   I've created a group on Facebook,  its private,   and will be selective who joins because of respect of our real identity and I know alot of you a senior in position and ranking.  
2021-04-08 11:52 pm
Good to know you guys. You could always hit up The Caged Dojo again for a bit! Lol it’s totally dead right now but I know some of you still have your accounts.
2021-04-06 1:33 pm
The trolls trashed the place and Yahoo gave up.
2021-04-14 9:23 am
I would come from time to time, I stopped using it when trolls took over, it's sad that they are going to close it :( 
參考: my brain ;)

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 22:55:34
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