Have you ever gone number 2 in a swimming pool?

2021-04-06 8:19 am
I have. And then I said “Look there’s a turtle in the pool”. 

回答 (7)

2021-04-06 8:21 am
"A swimming pool"? More like a "swimming poo." 
2021-04-06 8:21 am
And people wonder why Yahoo Answers is shutting down. 
2021-04-06 8:21 am
Ewwww no I have not
2021-04-06 8:48 am
no, and i wouldnt do that
2021-04-06 8:33 am
No way.. Ew.. I have pissed plenty of times tho.. Its like.. That's takes way to much time and effort.. Id ratger just chill hear and relax and piss right in the pool.. You mind?!?! Goshhh... Ive have heard of someone putting a babe ruth in the pool before.. Then eating it.. Lmao...
2021-04-06 8:33 am
i don't get in the swimming pool
2021-04-06 9:35 am
Please TOS report that troll impersonating me.
He's not from NS, he is just mentioning it because that is where I actually live.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:39:46
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